path: root/spectroscopy/chapter.tex
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% TODO: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b02693
% TODO: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0003702816669730
+\chapter{Spectroscopy} \label{cha:spc}
A hundred years ago, Auguste Comte, … a great philosopher, said that humans will never be able to
@@ -26,48 +26,113 @@
-In this chapter I lay out the foundations of spectroscopy.
+In this chapter I lay out the foundations of spectroscopy as relevant to this dissertation. %
+Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of light (electromagnetic radiation) and matter
+(molecules, crystals, solids, liquids etc). %
+\section{Light-matter interaction} % =============================================================
+As scientists, light is perhaps the most useful tool we have for interrogating materials. %
+Light is relatively easy to create and control, and light-matter interaction tells us a lot about
+the microscopic physics of the material under investigation. %
+Spectroscopists use light-matter interaction as an analytical tool. %
+For the purposes of this document, light can be treated as a classical electromagnetic wave and
+matter can be treated in the quantum mechanical density matrix formalism. %
+More complete treatments which also take the quantum-mechanical nature of light into account are
+possible (see: ``quantum optics'', ``quantum electrodynamics''), but beyond the scope of this
+dissertation. %
+This classical treatment still captures the full richness of the wave-nature of light, including
+interference effects. \cite{HuygensChristiaan1913a} %
+It merely ignores the quantitization of the electric field---a valid assumption in the limit of
+many photons. %
+% TODO: language from 'how a photon is created or destroyed'
+For simplicity, consider a two state system: ``a'' and ``b''. %
+These two states might be the inital and final states in a transition. %
+The wavefunction for this system can be written as a sum of the stationary states (eigenstates)
+with appropriate scaling coefficients:
+ \Psi(r, t) = c_a(t)\psi_a(r) + c_b(t)\psi_b(r)
+The time dependence lies in the $c_a$ and $c_b$ coefficients, and the spatial dependence lies in
+the $\psi_a$ and $\psi_b$ eigienstates. %
+Now we will expose this two-state system to an electric field:
+ E = E^{\circ}\left[ \me^{i(kz-\omega t)} + \me^{-i(kz-\omega t)} \right]
-% TODO: add reference to HuygensChristiaan1913.000
+For simplicity, we consider a single transition dipole, $\mu$. %
-% TODO: add reference to MaimanTheodore.000
+The Hamiltonian which controls the coupling of or simple system to the electric field described in
+ H = H_{\circ} - \mu \dot E
-\section{Light-Matter Interaction}
+Solving for the time-dependent coefficients, then:
+ c_a(t) &=& \cos{\frac{\Omega t}{2}} \me^{-i\omega_at} \\
+ c_b(5) &=& \sin{\frac{\Omega t}{2}} \me^{-i\omega_bt}
+Fast and slow parts...
+Bohr and Rabi freuencies...
-Spectroscopic experiments all derive from the interaction of light and matter. Many material
-properties can be deduced by measuring the nature of this interaction. %
+Where $\Omega$ is the \emph{Rabi frequency}: %
+ \Omega \equiv \frac{\mu E^\circ}{\hbar}
-Nonlinear spectroscopy relies upon higher-order terms in the light-matter interaction. In a generic
-system, each term is roughly ten times smaller than the last. % TODO: cite?
+In Dirac notation \cite{DiracPaulAdrienMaurice1939a}., an observable (such as $\mu(t)$) can be written simply: %
+ \mu(t) = \left< c_aa + c_bb \left| \hat{\mu} \right| c_aa + c_bb \right>
+The complex wavefunction is called a \emph{ket}, represented $|b>$. %
+The complex conjugate is called a \emph{bra}, represented $<a|$. %
+When expanded,
+ \mu(t) = c_a^2\mu_a + c_b^2\mu_b + \left< c_aa \left| \hat{mu} \right| c_bb \right> +
+ \left<c_bb \left| \hat{mu} \right| c_aa \right>
+The first two terms are populations and the final two terms are coherences. %
+The coherent terms will evolve with the rapid Bohr oscillations, coupling the dipole observable
+with the time-dependent electric field. %
-% TODO: Discuss dephasing induced resonance. Example: florescence
+We commonly represent quantum mechanical systems using density matrices, where diagonal elements
+are populations and off-diagonal elements are coherences. %
+Each density matrix element has the form $\rho_{kb}$, where $k$ is the ket and $b$ is the bra. %
+% TODO: 4 member density matrix representing system above
+A more complete discussion of the formalism we use to describe light-matter interaction is
+presented in \autoref{cha:mix}. %
+% TODO: homogeneous line-width
+Spectroscopic experiments are typically performed on an ensemble of states. %
+In such circumstances, inhomogeneous broadening becomes relevant. %
+Inhomogeneous broadening arises from permanent differences between different oscillators in the
+ensemble. %
+% TODO: why is inhomogeneous broadening important?
Many strategies have been introduced for diagrammatically representing the interaction of multiple
electric fields in an experiment. %
+Spectroscopists have used diagrams to represent nonlinear optical phenomena since 1965.
+\cite{WardJF1965a} %
+Several competing strategies have been defined over the years. %
+In 1978, \textcite{YeeTK1978a} defined the ``circle diagram'' convention. %
+Since then, the more popular ``closed-time path-loop'' \cite{MarxChristophA2008a,
+ RoslyakOleksiy2009a} and ``double-sided Feynman'' diagrams \cite{MukamelShaul1995a} (also known
+as Mukamel diagrams) were introduced. %
+\textcite{BiggsJasonD2012a} have written a paper which does an excellent job defining and comparing
+these two strategies. %
+In their seminal 1985 work, \emph{A Unified View of Raman, Resonance Raman, and Fluorescence
+ Spectroscopy}, \textcite{LeeDuckhwan1985a} defined the conventions for a ``wave-mixing energy
+level'' (WMEL) diagram. %
+Today, double-sided Feynman diagrams are probably most popular, but WMELs will be used in this
+document due to author preference. %
-\subsubsection{Circle Diagrams}
-% TODO: add reference to YeeTK1978.000
-% TODO: Discuss circle diagrams from a historical perspective
-\subsubsection{Double-sided Feynman Diagrams}
-% TODO: Discuss double-sided Feynman diagrams from a historical perspective
-\subsubsection{WMEL Diagrams}
-So-called wave mixing energy level (\gls{WMEL}) diagrams are the most familiar way of representing
-spectroscopy for Wright group members. %
-\gls{WMEL} diagrams were first proposed by Lee and Albrecht in an appendix to their seminal work
-\emph{A Unified View of Raman, Resonance Raman, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy}
-\cite{LeeDuckhwan1985a}. %
\gls{WMEL} diagrams are drawn using the following rules. %
\item The energy ladder is represented with horizontal lines - solid for real states and dashed
for virtual states.
\item Individual electric field interactions are represented as vertical arrows. The arrows span
@@ -77,15 +142,13 @@ spectroscopy for Wright group members. %
\item Ket-side interactions are represented with solid arrows.
\item Bra-side interactions are represented with dashed arrows.
\item Output is represented as a solid wavy line.
-\subsubsection{Mukamel Diagrams}
-% TODO: Discuss Mukamel diagrams from a historical perspective
+% TODO: representative WMEL?
-\section{Linear Spectroscopy}
+\section{Types of spectroscopy} % ================================================================
+\subsection{Linear vs multidimensional} % --------------------------------------------------------
This derivation adapted from \textit{Optical Processes in Semiconductors} by Jacques I. Pankove
\cite{PankoveJacques1975a}. %
@@ -99,30 +162,14 @@ Further derivation adapted from \cite{KumarNardeep2013a}. %
To extend reflectivity to a differential measurement
% TODO: finish derivation
-\section{Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy}
% TODO: (maybe) include discussion of photon echo famously discovered in 1979 in Groningen
-\gls{multiresonant coherent multidimensional spectroscopy}
-\subsection{Three Wave}
-\subsection{Four Wave}
-\subsection{Five Wave}
+% TODO: spectral congestion figure
-\subsection{Six Wave}
-\gls{multiple population-period transient spectroscopy} (\Gls{MUPPETS})
-\section{Strategies for CMDS}
+Nonlinear spectroscopy relies upon higher-order terms in the light-matter interaction. In a generic
+system, each term is roughly ten times smaller than the last. % TODO: cite?
-\subsection{Homodyne vs. Heterodyne Detection}
+\subsection{Homodyne vs heterodyne} % ------------------------------------------------------------
Two kinds of spectroscopies: 1) \gls{heterodyne} 2) \gls{homodyne}.
Heterodyne techniques may be \gls{self heterodyne} or explicitly heterodyned with a local
@@ -134,9 +181,7 @@ This literally means that homodyne signals go as the square of heterodyne signal
mean when we say that homodyne signals are intensity level and heterodyne signals are amplitude
-\Gls{transient absorption}, \gls{TA}
-\subsection{Frequency vs. Time Domain}
+\subsection{Frequency vs time domain} % ----------------------------------------------------------
Time domain techniques become more and more difficult when large frequency bandwidths are
needed. %
@@ -157,7 +202,7 @@ Since time-domain pulses in-fact possess all colors in them they cannot be trust
perturbative fluence. %
See that paper that Natalia presented... %
-\subsection{Triply Electronically Enhanced Spectroscopy}
+\subsection{Transient grating} % -----------------------------------------------------------------
Triply Electronically Enhanced (TrEE) spectroscopy has become the workhorse homodyne-detected 4WM
experiment in the Wright Group. %
@@ -166,7 +211,34 @@ experiment in the Wright Group. %
% TODO: Discussion of old and current delay space
-\subsection{Transient Absorbance Spectroscopy}
+% TODO: discuss current delay space physical conventions (see inbox)
+ \includegraphics[scale=1]{"spectroscopy/wmels/trive_on_diagonal"}
+ \caption[CAPTION TODO]{
+ }
+ \label{spc:fig:trive_on_diagonal}
+ \includegraphics[scale=1]{"spectroscopy/wmels/trive_off_diagonal"}
+ \caption[CAPTION TODO]{
+ }
+ \label{spc:fig:trive_off_diagonal}
+ \includegraphics[scale=1]{"spectroscopy/wmels/trive_population_transfer"}
+ \caption[CAPTION TODO]{
+ }
+ \label{spc:fig:trive_population_transfer}
+\subsection{Transient absorbance} % --------------------------------------------------------------
\Gls{transient absorption} (\gls{TA})
@@ -247,13 +319,23 @@ expression for $\Delta A$ that only depends on my eight measurables. %
\Delta A = - \log_{10} \left(\frac{C_\mathrm{T}(V_\mathrm{T} + V_{\Delta\mathrm{T}}) + C_\mathrm{R}(V_\mathrm{R} + V_{\Delta\mathrm{R}})}{C_\mathrm{T} V_\mathrm{T} + C_\mathrm{R} V_\mathrm{R}}\right)
-\subsection{Cross Polarized TrEE}
+\subsection{Pump CMDS-probe} % -------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Instrumentation} % ======================================================================
+\subsection{LASER} % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-\Gls{pump TrEE probe} (\gls{PTP}).
+% TODO: add reference to MaimanTheodore.000 (ruby laser)
-\section{Instrumental Response Function}
+\subsection{Optical parametric amplifiers} % -----------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Delay stages} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Spectrometers} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Instrumental response function} % ----------------------------------------------------
The instrumental response function (IRF) is a classic concept in analytical science. %
Defining IRF becomes complex with instruments as complex as these, but it is still useful to
@@ -261,7 +343,7 @@ attempt. %
It is particularly useful to define bandwidth.
-\subsection{Time Domain}
+\subsubsection{Time Domain}
I will use four wave mixing to extract the time-domain pulse-width. %
I use a driven signal \textit{e.g.} near infrared carbon tetrachloride response. %
@@ -310,23 +392,15 @@ Finally, since we measure $\sigma_P$ and wish to extract $\sigma$:
Again, all of these widths are on the \textit{intensity} level.
-\subsection{Frequency Domain}
+\subsubsection{Frequency Domain}
We can directly measure $\sigma$ (the width on the intensity-level) in the frequency domain using a
spectrometer. %
A tune test contains this information. %
-\subsection{Time-Bandwidth Product}
+\subsubsection{Time-Bandwidth Product}
For a Gaussian, approximately 0.441
% TODO: find reference
-% TODO: number defined on INTENSITY level!
+% TODO: number defined on INTENSITY level! \ No newline at end of file