path: root/PbSe_global_analysis/SI.tex
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+% document
+\documentclass[11pt, full]{article}
+\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=0.75in]{geometry}
+% text
+\newcommand{\RomanNumeral}[1]{\textrm{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1\relax}}}
+% math
+% graphics
+% "S" prefix
+% bibliography
+\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, url=false, sorting=none, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
+% hyperref
+\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black, urlcolor=blue, citecolor=black, anchorcolor=black]{hyperref}
+\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % helps hyperref work properly
+ Supplementary Information
+ Global Analysis of Transient Grating and Transient Absorption \\ of PbSe Quantum Dots
+ \normalsize
+ \textit{Daniel D. Kohler, Blaise J. Thompson, John C. Wright*}
+ Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin--Madison\\
+ 1101 University Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53706
+*Corresponding Author \\
+\hspace*{2ex} email: wright@chem.wisc.edu \\
+\hspace*{2ex} phone: (608) 262-0351 \\
+\hspace*{2ex} fax: (608) 262-0381
+\section{Absorbance} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\autoref{figure:absorbance} displays the absorbance spectra of the two batches considered in this
+The lower spectra are plotted relative to each batches 1S peak center,
+emphasizing the peak-shape differences around the 1S.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{absorbance}
+ \label{figure:absorbance}
+ \caption{Normalized absorbance spectra of the two baches considered in this
+ work. In the upper plot, the spectra are plotted directly against energy. In
+ the lower plot the spectra are plotted relative to the 1S peak center.}
+To extract peak parameters from the rising continuum absorption, the data was fitted on the second
+derivative level, as described in the supplementary information of \textcite{Czech2015}.
+The script used to accomplish this fit, full parameter output, and additional figures showing the
+separate excitonic features and fit remainder are contained in the supplementary repository, as
+described in \autoref{section:repository}.
+Note that the aliquots used for each of the two Batch A experiments were at
+slightly different concentrations, a crucial detail for m-factor corrections
+(see \autoref{section:m-factors}). The two Batch B experiments were done using
+the same aliquot. The absorbance spectrum of each sample is kept in an
+associated ``cal'' directory in the supplementary repository (see \autoref{section:repository}).
+\section{Artifact correction} % ------------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Spectral delay correction}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{spectral_delay_correction}
+ \label{figure:spectral_delay_correction}
+ \caption{Frequency dependent delay calibration using CCl$_4$. (a) Measurement
+ of the pulse overlap position in $\tau_{21}$ space with respect to
+ $\omega_1$ ($\omega_2$ = 7500 cm$^{-1}$). The thick black line shows the
+ center of the temporal profile, as determined by Gaussian fits. (b) Same as
+ (a), but now $\omega_1$ is kept static while $\omega_2$ is scanned. (c) Same
+ as (a), but now active spectral delay corrections have been applied. (d)
+ Two-dimensional frequency-frequecy scan of CCl$_4$ with spectral delay
+ correction applied.}
+\subsection{Power factors}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{power_factors}
+ \label{figure:power_factors}
+ \caption{TODO}
+\subsection{m factors} \label{section:m-factors}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{m_factors}
+ \label{figure:power_factors}
+ \caption{TODO}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{TG_artifacts}
+ \label{figure:power_factors}
+ \caption{TODO}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{TA_artifacts}
+ \label{figure:power_factors}
+ \caption{TODO}
+\section{Auger recombination dynamics} % ---------------------------------------------------------
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"fsb19-3"}
+% \label{fig:matrix_flow_diagram}
+% \caption{$S_{\mathsf{TG}}$ measured before and after multiexciton relaxation dynamics.}
+Using a Poisson distribution to model the effects here: keep in mind that
+Poisson is only valid when excitation probability is "low". m
+Scholes thinks an equations of motion approach might be more fitting.
+Others have approached this by truncating the Poisson model so that dots are effectively "off" at
+high fluence (this is when pumping the continuum, so no SE contributions from the pump).
+According to the Poisson distribution, initial population created by pump is given by
+P(k;\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!}.
+Assumes all absorption events have equal probability.
+The absorption of the pumped sample will be proportional to
+a_{\mathsf{NL}} &=& a_0 \left(1-e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=1}\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}\right)
++ e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=1}a_k\frac{\lambda^k}{k!} \\
+&=& a_0 - e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=1} (a_0 - a_k)\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}.
+So the difference in the absorption is
+S(T=0) = a_{\mathsf{NL}} - a_0 = -e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=1}(a_0-a_k)\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}.
+We will assume that absorption is proportional to the number of ground state excitons: $a_k = ck$
+for all $k$.
+S(T=0) &=& ce^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=1}k\frac{\lambda^k}{k!} \\
+&=& c\lambda e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=0}\frac{\lambda^k}{k!} \\
+&=& c \lambda,
+and the mean value corresponds to the response (as we expect when the relationship between
+occupation and signal is linear i.e. $<ck> = c\lambda$).
+After Auger recombination, the excited state distribution has homogenized to $k=1$.
+Signal is thus given by
+S &=& ce^{-\lambda}(a_0-a_1)\sum_{k=1}\frac{\lambda^k}{k!} \\
+&=& ce^{-\lambda}(e^\lambda-1) \\
+&=& c(1-e^{-\lambda}).
+Previous work has analyzed this.
+Comparing the distribution theory with our results.
+The mean number of excitations should be proportional to our fluence: $\lambda = mI$.
+This predicts the linear scaling of intensity close to zero delay, and it also predicts the
+exponential saturation observed at longer delays.
+Both observations qualitatively agree with our results.
+Quantitatively, however, our two delays suggest different scaling constants with respect to pump
+fluence: the long-time $m$-value is roughly 40\% larger than the short time scaling.
+This means that our initial scaling underestimates how quickly the band saturates.
+Philosophically, there are two problems with this distribution: (1) I should use the equations of
+motion for degenerate pumping, and (2) the pump is filtered by $k$-vector conservation (two pumps).
+My strategy: come up with an expression for the distribution using coupled equations of motion.
+Assume the driven limit, so that a steady state is reached.
+We can account for these issues by utilizing the more general Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution.
+Estimate spot size as 300 um: 1 um ~ 1 mJ per cm squared.
+I think I should revisit the scaling of my exciton signal---I do not expect it to be the same as a
+Poisson distribution because of the stimulated emission channels.
+\frac{d \rho_{00}}{dt} &=& \frac{i}{\hbar} E \rho_{01} + \Gamma\rho_{11} \\
+\frac{d \rho_{00}}{dt} &=& \frac{i}{\hbar} E \rho_{01} + \Gamma\rho_{11} \\
+\frac{d \rho_{00}}{dt} &=& \cdots
+\section{Supplementary repository} \label{section:repository} % ----------------------------------
+All scripts and raw data used in this work have been uploaded to the Open Science Framework (OSF),
+a project of the Center for Open Science.
+These can be found at DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/N9CDP}{10.17605/OSF.IO/N9CDP}.
+To download the contents of this repository from your command line... % TODO
+To completely reproduce this work, simply execute \texttt{./run.sh all} from your terminal.
+You will require the following:
+ \item python 3.6
+ \item WrightTools VERSION TODO (and dependencies)
+ \item latex
+You can replace \texttt{all} with one of \texttt{data}, \texttt{simulations}, \texttt{figures},
+or \texttt{documents}.
+Otherwise, the OSF repository attempts to be generally self-explanatory.
+README files and comments are used to explain what was done.