path: root/figures/software/PyCMDS/ideal axis positions/delay steps.tex
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authorBlaise Thompson <blaise@untzag.com>2017-10-16 21:05:20 -0500
committerBlaise Thompson <blaise@untzag.com>2017-10-16 21:05:20 -0500
commit1b66cf20d0f40741d89d39b901716341beeabeca (patch)
tree160e30cb0e554308ab13830a504ca0e491a8fae1 /figures/software/PyCMDS/ideal axis positions/delay steps.tex
parent4387f96aef0dcafbbce06e76cf19224537d98772 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'figures/software/PyCMDS/ideal axis positions/delay steps.tex')
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-{\Huge{delay space stepping strategy}}
-Blaise Thompson \hfill last modified \mydate
-Linear stepping is more expensive than it needs to be.
-Want to capture the dynamic range of the data as quickly as possible.
-Typically have exponential decay dynamics (perhaps multi-exponential)\dots we can capitalize on this. We want to take high resolution data at early delays and low resolution data at late delays.
-Of course, we don't want to throw away any information we would otherwise be entitled to.
-Conceptually we want to 'linearize' the data, so that each subsequent delay step accounts for the same change in signal.
-Signal goes exponentially...
-S &=& \me^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} \\
-\log{(S)} &=& -\frac{t}{\tau} \\
-t &=& -\tau\log{(S)}
-So to step linearly in $t$, my step size has to go as $-\tau\log{(S)}$.
-We want to go linearly in signal, meaning that we want to divide $S$ into even sections. If $S$ goes from 0 to 1 and we choose to acquire $N$ points,
-t_n &=& -\tau\log{\left(\frac{n}{N}\right)}.
-Note that $t_n$ starts at long times and approaches zero delay. So the first $t_1$ is the smallest signal and $t_N$ is the largest.
-Now we can start to consider realistic cases, like where $\tau$ is not quite known and where some other longer dynamics persist (manifested as a static offset). Since these values are not separable in a general system, I'll keep $S$ normalized between 0 and 1.
-S &=& (1-c)\me^{-\frac{t}{\tau_{\mathrm{actual}}}} + c \\
-S_n &=& (1-c)\me^{-\frac{-\tau_{\mathrm{step}}\log{\left(\frac{n}{N}\right)}}{\tau_{\mathrm{actual}}}} + c \\
-S_n &=& (1-c)\me^{-\frac{\tau_{\mathrm{step}}}{\tau_{\mathrm{actual}}} \log{\left(\frac{N}{n}\right)}} + c \\
-S_n &=& (1-c)\left(\frac{N}{n}\right)^{-\frac{\tau_{\mathrm{step}}}{\tau_{\mathrm{actual}}}} + c \\
-S_n &=& (1-c)\left(\frac{n}{N}\right)^{\frac{\tau_{\mathrm{step}}}{\tau_{\mathrm{actual}}}} + c
- \centering
- \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"out"}
- \caption{}
-\end{document} \ No newline at end of file