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diff --git a/MX2/chapter.tex b/MX2/chapter.tex
index 98c37cc..6cfcdf8 100644
--- a/MX2/chapter.tex
+++ b/MX2/chapter.tex
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ the square root of the measured FWM signal since FWM depends quadratically on th
concentration and path length. %
The main set of data presented in this work is an $\omega_1\omega_2\tau_{21}$ ``movie'' with
\autoref{fig:Czech03} shows representative 2D frequency-frequency slices from this movie at
increasingly negative $\tau_{21}$ times. %
Each 2D frequency spectrum contains side plots along both axes that compare the absorbance spectrum
@@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ features when $\omega_1=\omega_2$ or the cross-peak features when $\omega_1\neq\
The stimulated emission (SE) and ground-state bleaching (GSB) pathways create the eg or e$^\prime$g
output coherences from the ee and gg populations, respectively, while the excited-state absorption
pathway creates the 2e,e or e$^\prime$+e,e biexcitonic output coherences. %
-\autoref{fig:Czech06} also includes a population transfer pathway from the ee excited-state
-population to an e$^\prime$e$^\prime$ population from which similar SE and ESA pathways occur. %
+There is also a population transfer pathway from the ee excited-state population to an
+e$^\prime$e$^\prime$ population from which similar SE and ESA pathways occur. %
Since the ESA pathways destructively interfere with the SE and GSB pathways, the output singal
depends on the differences between the pathways. %
Factors that change the biexcitonic output coherences such as the transition moments, state filling
@@ -501,18 +501,6 @@ A quantitative treatment of the cancellation effects between the GSB, SE, and ES
knowledge of the transition moments and state degeneracies and is beyond the scope of this paper.
\cite{WongCathyY2011a} %
- \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{MX2/06}
- \caption[Liouville pathways in time orderings V, VI.]{
- Liouville pathways for \autoref{fig:Czech04}. gg and
- ee designate ground- and excited-state populations, the eg, 2e,e, and e$^\prime$+e,e represent
- the excitonic and biexcitonic output coherences, and the arrows are labeled with the
- frequencies or population transfer responsible for the transitions. e and e$^\prime$ represent
- either A or B excitonic states.
- }
- \label{fig:Czech06}
The most important characteristic of the experimental spectra is the contrast between the absence
of well-resolved excitonic features that depend on $\omega_2$ in Figures \ref{fig:Czech03} and
\ref{fig:Czech05} and the well-defined excitonic features that depend on $\omega_1$. %
@@ -632,15 +620,6 @@ increasingly positive delays. %
- \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{MX2/09}
- \caption[Liouville pathways in time orderings I, III.]{
- Liouville pathways for the $\omega_1$, $\omega_2$,
- and $\omega_{2^\prime}$ time ordering of pulse interactions. e and e$^\prime$ represent either
- A or B excitonic states.}
- \label{fig:Czech09}
\section{Conclusions} % ==========================================================================
This paper presents the first coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of MoS\textsubscript{2} thin