\chapter{Procedures} \clearpage \section{Starting the Millenia V CW LASER.} The Millennia has problems with ‘thermal runaway’ upon startup if a user naively sends the laser to 4.0 W in power mode (thermal runaway causes the infamous FAULT 146 system shut off, power adjust timeout error). % The following procedure wakes the Millenia up gently enough to prevent thermal runaway. % It assumes that the Millenia starts completely shutdown and cold. % \begin{denumerate} \item Check desiccant inside Millenia, replace if pink. \item Ensure that Millenia shutter is closed such that no light is going downstream. % \item Flip orange power switch on diode box. \item Wait for system to warm up ($\sim$30 minutes). \begin{denumerate} \item ``System Warming Up'' message should appear on control box. \item Warm-up is finished when percentage complete indicator reaches 100. \item The Millenia will start in SP Current mode. \end{denumerate} \item Record diode hours (choose ``Info'', scroll down). \item Turn Millennia to 1.0 W in ``power mode'', wait for equilibration. \end{denumerate} Turn Millennia to 1.0 W in “power mode”, wait for it to equilibrate. This entails the diode temperature and current being stable (within 0.1) over 5 minutes. Turn Millennia to “current mode”. Slowly ramp current until you have ~4 W (or more) (~70%) Allow the diode temperature to stabilize while remaining in “current mode” (check every 5 minutes until it doesn't change by more than 0.1) Turn Millennia to 4.0 W “power mode”. Wait 10 minutes for extra assurance of equilibration. Ensure again that temperature and current are not changing (over ~5 minute timescale). Measure and record actual Millenia output power, currents, temperatures. These data should be recorded in the GoogleSheet document for Millennia. \clearpage \section{Calibrating the 407A} Calibrating the 407.A You may sometimes notice that the zero position changes dramatically from sensitivity to sensitivity with the 407A. If this happens, iterate through the following until zero stays consistent: Use the fine adjust (knob on side) to zero the 407A on the highest sensitivity Use the front adjust (flathead screwdriver needed) to zero on the lowest sensitivity \clearpage \section{Lytron Kodiak RC006 We have one Lytron Kodiak RC006: Model Number RC006G03BB1C002, Serial Number 739383-02. Regular chiller maintenance: \begin{denumerate} \item Gather supplies. \begin{denumerate} \item 1 gallon distilled water (do not use deionized) \item 1 gallon Nalco 460-PCCL104 (the pink stuff) \end{denumerate} \item Drain system completely. \begin{denumerate} \item Turn off chiller. \item Break tubing at push-to-connect, plugging return. \item Allow chiller to run until liquid stops flowing. You will get a pressure error, ignore (silence) it. \item Use tube to mouth-syphon remaining liquid from within chiller \item Reconnect at push-to-connect \end{denumerate} \item Fill chiller with distilled water (should require <1 gallon), let run for 30 minutes. \item Drain system again. \item Replace filter. \item Fill system with one gallon Nalco 460-PCCL104 (the pink stuff). \item Turn chiller on, top-off with distilled water. \item Record maintenance, order new supplies for next time if necessary. \end{denumerate} In the past we have had trouble with low flow errors upon system startup. % These seem to have been fixed by adding a “high” flow loop connecting the outlet and inlet of the chiller. % Ideally the pressure drop across this loop is sufficient to still drive fluid through the laser. % % TODO: figure \clearpage \section{PolyScience 6000 Series} We own two PolyScience chillers---different models but functionally equivalent. Grey: Serial Number 3E1161245 White and Blue: Serial Number 4K1050550 Regular chiller maintenance: \begin{denumerate} \item Gather supplies. \begin{denumerate} \item Filter (sold in stockroom). \item 1 gallon Nalco 460-PCCL104 (the pink stuff). \end{denumerate} \item Drain system completely. \begin{denumerate} \item Disconnect red water line and allow chiller to pump water out. \item Push nipple of male end with flat object to release check valve. \end{denumerate} \item Check filters. \begin{denumerate} \item If air filter dirty, wash with water (let dry after washing). \item If water filter is dirty, replace. \end{denumerate} \item Reassemble. \begin{denumerate} \item Fill with Nalco 460-PCCL104 (the pink stuff). \item Turn on, top-off with distilled water. \end{denumerate} \end{denumerate} % TODO: figure \clearpage \section{NesLab Merlin M33} \clearpage \section{Aligining TOPAS-C} \clearpage \section{Aligning Spitfire PRO} \clearpage \section{Air Handling} \clearpage \section{Six Month Maintenance} \clearpage \section{Tuning MicroHR Monochromator} Visible Grating. % Align the HeNe as perpendicular as possible to the monochromator entrance slit. % Move the grating angle until the HeNe falls on the exit slit. % Shine a flashlight through the entrance slit and observe the colour on the exit slit: if white, then you are at 0-order (0 nm), if red, then you are at 1st order (632.8 nm). % Go to 0-order, narrow the slits, and slowly adjust the angle until the HeNe is going through the exit slit. % Go to Jovin Yvon/utilities and find the motor configuration program. % In the Gratings tab, select the 1st grating (1200 line density) and hit Calibrate. % In theoretical wavelength, enter 0 nm. % In experimental wavelength, enter the wavelength you observe from the control program. % Hit set. %