""" OPA power and ranges """ # --- import -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import collections import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import WrightTools as wt wt.artists.apply_rcparams('publication') # --- define -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p = 'Energy_10742.csv' idler = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(0,1), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) signal = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(2,3), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) shi = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(4,5), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) shs = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(6,7), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) sfi = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(8,9), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) sfs = np.genfromtxt(p, usecols=(10,11), delimiter=',', skip_header=2, unpack=True) names = ['idler', 'signal', 'SHI', 'SHS', 'SFI', 'SFS'] wavelengths = [idler[0], signal[0], shi[0], shs[0], sfi[0], sfs[0]] wavelengths_ev = [wt.units.converter(w, 'nm', 'eV') for w in wavelengths] energys = [idler[1], signal[1], shi[1], shs[1], sfi[1], sfs[1]] colors = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6'] # --- workspace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if True: # start # cbar is shady way to fit legend in fig, gs = wt.artists.create_figure(width='single', nrows=1, cols=[1, 'cbar'], default_aspect=1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax.semilogy( wavelengths_ev[0], energys[0], alpha=0) for n,x,y,c in zip(names, wavelengths_ev, energys, colors): ax.scatter(x,y, color=c, label=n, marker='o') # pretty up ax.grid(which='both') ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False) ax.set_xlabel('OPA output (eV)', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(u'pulse energy ($\mu$J)') # finish wt.artists.savefig('OPA_powers.png') # --- old workspace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if True: # prepare figure fig, gs = wt.artists.create_figure(width='single', nrows=1, cols=[1], default_aspect=0.3) # ranges ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) cs = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9'] ranges = collections.OrderedDict() ranges['DFG'] = ([11000, 2600], 1) ranges['Idl'] = ([2600, 1600], 0.5) ranges['Sig'] = ([1600, 1150], 0) ranges['SHI'] = ([800, 1200], 0.5) ranges['SHS'] = ([800, 580], 0) ranges['SFI'] = ([600, 533], 0.5) ranges['SFS'] = ([540, 480], 0) ranges['4HI'] = ([590, 400], 1) ranges['4HS'] = ([400, 290], 0) height = 0 for i, item in enumerate(ranges.items()): name, value = item limits, height = value limits = [wt.units.converter(n, 'nm', 'eV') for n in limits] ax.plot(limits, [height, height], lw=25, label=name, c=cs[i], solid_capstyle='butt') ax.text(np.mean(limits), height, name, va='center', ha='center', fontsize=11) ranges = collections.OrderedDict() ranges['UVB'] = ([315, 280], wt.artists._colors.nm_to_rgb(400)) ranges['UVA'] = ([400, 315], wt.artists._colors.nm_to_rgb(450)) ranges['visible'] = ([700, 400], wt.artists._colors.nm_to_rgb(500)) ranges['NIR'] = ([2500, 700], wt.artists._colors.nm_to_rgb(600)) ranges['IR'] = ([15000, 2500], wt.artists._colors.nm_to_rgb(700)) for i, item in enumerate(ranges.items()): name, value = item limits, c = value limits = [wt.units.converter(n, 'nm', 'eV') for n in limits] ax.axvline(limits[0], c='k', lw=1, zorder=1) ax.axvline(limits[1], c='k', lw=1, zorder=1) ax.text(np.mean(limits), 1.25, name, va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=12) for limit in limits: nm = wt.units.converter(limit, 'eV', 'nm') ax.text(limit, 1.6, '%i'%nm, fontsize=14, va='bottom', ha='center', rotation=90) width = limits[1]-limits[0] patch = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((limits[0], -1), width, 10, facecolor=c, alpha=0.1) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.set_yticks([], []) ax.set_xlim(0, 4.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.25, 1.5) ax.set_xlabel('OPA output (eV)', fontsize=18) ax.grid(ls=':') ax.set_title('OPA output (nm)', fontsize=18, y=1.3) # finish wt.artists.savefig('OPA_ranges.png')