\chapter{Errata} In this appendix I list the errors I am currently aware of in my publications and associated work. % \section{Czech 2015} % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is an errata for \textcite{CzechKyleJonathan2015a}, published in November 2015. \begin{itemize} \item Reference 13 is identical to reference 9. \item In the last paragraph of the introduction the sentence ``The experimental spectra differ from the simple 2D spectrum shown in Figure 1d and those of earlier CMDS experiments with model systems'' appears. This sentence cites references 6 through 10. Instead, it should cite references 15 through 20. \item In the last paragraph begining on page 12148, the text ``Automated delay stages and neutral density filters set the excitation time delays over all values of $\tau_{21}$ with $\tau_{22}=0$'' appears. For the second $\tau$, the subscript should read $22^\prime$, not $22$. \item Caption of Figure 5 reads, in part: "showing the impact of the $\omega_1$ excitation frequency on the $\omega_1$ spectral line shape". This should instead read "showing the impact of the $\omega_1$ excitation frequency on the $\omega_2$ spectral line shape". The subscript on the last $\omega$ should be a 2 and not a 1. \item Figure 6 e$^\prime$+e,e$^\prime$ should read e$^\prime$+e,e and vice versa. \end{itemize}