\documentclass{dissertation} \begin{document} \raggedbottom % --- preamble ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \begin{centering} \thispagestyle{empty} % TITLE PAGE \textbf{Development of Frequency Domain Multidimensional Spectroscopy \\ with Applications in Semiconductor Photophysics} \\ \vspace{80 pt} By \\ Blaise Jonathan Thompson \\ \vspace{40 pt} A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of \\ the requirements for the degree of \\ \vspace{10 pt} Doctor of Philosophy \\ (Chemistry) \\ \vspace{40 pt} at the \\ UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADISON \\ 2018 \\ \end{centering} \vfill \noindent Date of final oral examination: April 23, 2018 \\ This dissertation is approved by the following members of the Final Oral Committee: \\ \-\hspace{1cm} John C. Wright, Professor, Analytical Chemistry \\ \-\hspace{1cm} Randall Goldsmith, Professor, Physical Chemistry \\ \-\hspace{1cm} Tim Bertram, Professor, Analytical Chemistry \\ \-\hspace{1cm} Kyoung-Shin Choi, Professor, Materials Chemistry \\ \pagenumbering{gobble} \cleardoublepage % TODO: remove page number \pagenumbering{roman} % must use roman page numbering in preamble % CONTENTS \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.5}\normalsize \tableofcontents % TODO: consider adding chapter headings to list of figures / list of tables \listoffigures \listoftables \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}\normalsize % ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS %\cleardoublepage %\include{acknowledgements} % ABSTRACT \cleardoublepage \include{abstract} % abs - DONE \doublespacing % double spacing required for body of paper \pagenumbering{arabic} % chapters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \include{introduction/chapter} % int \part{Background} \label{prt:background} \include{spectroscopy/chapter} \include{software/chapter} % sof \part{Development} \label{prt:development} \include{processing/chapter} % pro \include{acquisition/chapter} % acq \include{active_correction/chapter} % act \include{opa/chapter} % opa \include{mixed_domain/chapter} \part{Applications} \label{prt:applications} \include{PbSe_susceptibility/chapter} % pss \include{PbSe_global_analysis/chapter} % psg \include{MX2/chapter} % mx2 \include{PEDOT_PSS/chapter} % pps % appendix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \singlespacing \part{Appendix} \label{prt:appendix} \begin{appendix} % AFTER DEFENSE \include{public/chapter} \include{procedures/chapter} % prc \include{hardware/chapter} % hdw \include{irf/chapter} % irf \include{quantitative_ta/chapter} % qta \include{opa_phase/chapter} % rpa %\include{errata/chapter} % AFTER DEFENSE \include{colophon/chapter} \end{appendix} % post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \pagenumbering{gobble} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} % there is probably a better way... \printbibliography \end{document}