\chapter{Processing} \label{cha:pro} \begin{dquote} What we have is data glut. What we really want is the ability to manipulate the information and to reach conclusions from it. I think we are at the point where that is slipping beyond unaided humans’ abilities. So the real thing to be looking for is processing schemes. One way is automatic processing: for instance, the sort of analysis that we saw with the IBM Watson on Jeopardy. Putting that in service to humankind in fields that are suffering from data glut at least gives people who are in charge the ability to keep some sort of track of what is going on. The other great thing that we have going for us is that we have billions of very intelligent people out there in the world. :With the networking that we have now, we’re beginning to see that those large populations, coordinating amongst themselves, are an intellectual resource that trumps all institutional intellectual resources and has a real possibility, if it’s supported by the proper automation, of creating solutions to problems, including the problem of the data glut. \dsignature{Vernor Vinge \cite{VingeVernor2012a}} \end{dquote} \clearpage CMDS takes a somewhat unique approach to instrumental science. % How, then could one go about making a data processing software package for CMDS? % The package has to be flexible enough to accommodate the diversity of experiments, but still solid enough to be a foundational tool. % When creating a toolkit for CMDS, there are several challenges worth considering: \begin{ditemize} \item Dimensionality of datasets can typically be greater than two, complicating representation. \item Shape and dimensionality change, and relevant axes can be different from the scanned dimensions. % \item Data can be awkwardly large-ish (several million pixels), to legitimately large---it is not always possible to store entire arrays in memory. % \item There are no agreed-upon file formats for CMDS dataset storage. % \end{ditemize} The biggest challenge is to find a really good definition for what constitutes a CMDS dataset. % Once understood, this common denominator can be enshrined into software and built upon. % This chapter describes WrightTools, a software package that I created to process CMDS datasets. % WrightTools is a software package written in Python, built using the excellent tools provided by the scientific Python collection of packages, especially Scipy \cite{SciPy} and Numpy \cite{OliphantTravisE2006a}. % WrightTools defines a universal file-format that is flexible enough to encompass the diversity of CMDS while still being entirely self-describing. % This file format is based on the popular binary format ``HDF5'' \cite{FolkMike2011a}, as interfaced by the h5py python library \cite{h5py}. % This format allows WrightTools to interact with the arrays piece-by-piece in a very fast and reliable way, without loading the entire array in and out of memory. % This allows users to interact with legitimately large CMDS datasets without worrying about memory overflow. % WrightTools takes a unique approach to representing CMDS data in array format, what I call ``semi-structure'', that allows for greater flexibility in representing CMDS in different coordinate spaces. % WrightTools is written to be used in scripts and in the command line. % It does not have any graphical components built in, except for the ability to generate plots using matplotlib \cite{HunterJohnD2007a}. % Being built in this way gives WrightTools users maximum flexibility, and allows for rapid collaborative development. % It also allows other software packages to use WrightTools as a ``back-end'' foundational software, as has already been done in simulation and acquisition software created in the Wright Group. % \clearpage \section{Introduction to WrightTools} % ========================================================== WrightTools is a moderately complex piece of software ($\sim$10,000 source lines of code), so it is important to keep the package internally organized so that users are able to use the pieces they need without feeling overwhelmed by the full complexity. % For organizational purposes, WrightTools is designed in a nested, hierarchical manner through heavy use of object oriented programming (see \autoref{sof:sec:oop}). % In this introductory section, I wish to describe the overall structure of WrightTools, without going into too much detail. % In this way the reader can have some context in the sections below, where I describe some crucial pieces of WrightTools in greater detail. % WrightTools is written in Python, and endeavors to have a ``pythonic'', explicit and ``natural'' application programming interface (API). % To use WrightTools, simply import: \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> import WrightTools as wt >>> wt.__version__ 3.0.0 \end{codefragment} I'll discuss more about how exactly WrightTools packaging, distribution, and instillation works in \autoref{pro:sec:distribution}. \autoref{pro:tab:wt} contains a description of each top-level component within the WrightTools package. % Within an interactive python session, we could see these components using the built in \python{dir} function: \python{dir(wt)}. % There are several types of component: functions, attributes, classes, modules, and subclasses. % Functions are simple objects that take some input(s), do something, and return something. % For example, the function \python{wt.open}, which accepts a path to a WrightTools dataset file and returns an opened version of that file. % Attributes are not interactive, they are simply pieces of attached information that can be accessed. % For example, \python{wt.__version__} as used in the code fragment above. % Classes are instructions for construction of particular custom object types, and can be instantiated (see \autoref{sof:sec:oop}). % We'll talk extensively about the five main WrightTools classes: \python{Axis}, \python{Collection}, \python{Channel}, \python{Data}, and \python{Variable}, in the coming pages. % Modules are literally \bash{.py} files within WrightTools, and they themselves contain attributes, functions, and classes. % Finally, subpackages are literally folders that contain several \bash{.py} files: several modules. % All spectra are stored within wt5 files as multidimensional arrays. % Arrays are containers that store many instances of the same data type, typically numerical datatypes. % These arrays have some \python{shape}, \python{size}, and \python{dtype}. % In the context of WrightTools, they can contain floats, integers, complex numbers and NaNs. % WrightTools is designed around a universal ``wt5'' file format. % wt5 files are simply extensions of the hdf5 format, with some additional requirements applied to their internal structure. % This puts wt5 files in the same category as other domain-specific heirarchial data formats (see \autoref{sof:sec:hdf}). % One of the most important features of the HDF5 paradigm is the ability to access portions of the multidimensional arrays at a time. % WrightTools takes full advantage of this, such that the WrightTools package is simply an \emph{interface} to the data contained with the wt5 file, and arrays are not stored in memory until needed. % There are two classes which are top-level components of the WrightTools package: \python{Collection} and \python{Data}. % \python{Data} is arguably the most important class, as it provides the crucial function of interfacing to the stored multidimensional arrays that constitute the CMDS datasets. % \python{Data} can be instantiated directly, but typically is instantiated by helper functions within the \python{data} subpackage, or by the \python{open} function. % See \autoref{pro:sec:creating_data} for more information. % \python{Collection} is a container class, charged with storing groups of data objects and other collection objects---empowering users to organize their datasets into clearly structured and well labeled hierarchies within the wt5 file. % See \autoref{pro:sec:collection} for more information about \python{Collection}. % The \python{artists} subpackage contains all of the tools needed to plot \python{Data} objects. % There are ``quick'' artist functions made primarily for use in interactive plotting, and a larger, more flexable set of classes and functions that can be used to construct more elaborate figures. % See \autoref{pro:sec:artists} for more information. % The \python{fit} subpackage is an interface which endeavors to make fitting multidimensional \python{Data} objects as easy as possible. % Towards this end, the \python{fit} subpackage takes a unique approach of dimensionality reduction via fitting. % See \autoref{pro:sec:fit} for more information. % The \python{datasets} subpackage is simply a python interface to the set of raw data that is distributed within WrightTools. % \python{datasets} is not imported by default, so ``from'' syntax must be used. % \python{datasets} allows users to access full filepaths to the raw data, rather than returning instances of \python{Data} or \python{Collection}. % \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> from WrightTools import datasets >>> datasets.COLORS.v0p2_d1_d2_diagonal '.../WrightTools/datasets/COLORS/v0.2/d1_d2 diagonal.dat' \end{codefragment} This strategy is more flexable and allows the developers of WrightTools to write tests and examples using datasets that are guaranteed to be on every machine. % The \python{diagrams} subpackage is a small set of tools used for drawing diagrams, with a focus on diagrams commonly required by CMDS practitioners. % Currently \python{diagrams} can draw WMELs \cite{LeeDuckhwan1985a} and delay space labels (see \autoref{pps:fig:delay_space} for an example). % \python{diagrams} interfaces well with artists since they both are built on top of matplotlib, so it is easy for WrightTools users to draw diagrams in the same figure as other elements. % The \python{units} module handles all unit information, and conversion between values in different unit systems. % The \python{exceptions} module defines the unique exceptions and warnings that WrightTools raises. % All exceptions are children of the \python{WrightToolsException} class, and all warnings are children of the \python{WrightToolsWarning} class. % In this way, users of WrightTools can easily intercept all exceptions/warnings coming from WrightTools itself (as opposed to packages that WrightTools relies upon) when debugging their application. % Finally, the \python{kit} subpackage is a small menagerie of classes and functions that are useful, but have no other place within WrightTools. % Many of these are used internally throughout the rest of the program, and others are distributed to be used by WrightTools users. % As examples: \begin{ditemize} \item The \python{TimeStamp} class represents a moment in time, and handles conversion between different popular representations of time. % \item The \python{INI} class is a very simple python interface to \bash{.ini} configuration files. % \item The \python{fft} function is a friendly user interface for N-dimensional fft operations. % \item The \python{closest_pair} function finds the pair(s) of indices corresponding to the closest elements in an array. % \end{ditemize} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | c | l} & type & description \\ \hline \texttt{artists} & subpackage & Plotting and figure generation. \\ \hline \texttt{Collection} & class & Nestable container for data objects. \\ \hline \texttt{collection} & subpackage & Collection creation functions. \\ \hline \texttt{Data} & class & Central multidimensional dataset class. \\ \hline \texttt{data} & subpackage & Data creation functions. \\ \hline \texttt{datasets} & subpackage & Raw data for examples, testing. \\ \hline \texttt{diagrams} & subpackage & Draw diagrams. \\ \hline \texttt{exceptions} & module & WrightTools exception and warning types. \\ \hline \texttt{fit} & subpackage & Fit data objects. \\ \hline \texttt{kit} & subpackage & Small useful functions and classes. \\ \hline \texttt{open} & module & Universal wt5 file open function. \\ \hline \texttt{units} & module & Unit handling and conversion. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Components of WrightTools.]{ Key components of WrightTools, lexicographically listed. } \label{pro:tab:wt} \end{table} I now focus on the \python{Data} class. % \autoref{pro:tab:data} contains a description of each key component of \python{Data}. \python{Data} can be thought of as a container class that contains everything needed to define a single multidimensional spectra. % To do this, each data object contains several multidimensional arrays (typically 2 to 50 arrays, depending on the kind of data). % There are two kinds of arrays, instances of \python{Variable} and \python{Channel}. % Variables are coordinate arrays that define the position of each pixel in the multidimensional spectrum, and channels are each a particular kind of signal within that spectrum. % Typical variables might be \python{[labtime, w1, w2, w3, d1, d2]}, and typical channels \python{[pmt, pyro1, pyro2, pyro3] }. % The data object contains attributes \python{Data.variables} and \python{Data.channels} which are tuples of the instances of \python{Variable}, \python{Channel} contained within that instance of \python{Data}. % The data object also has convenience attributes \python{variable_names} and \python{channel_names}; creation methods \python{create_channel} and \python{create_variable}; and basic manipulation methods \python{remove_channel}, \python{remove_variable}, and \python{rename_channels}. % More information about channels and variables will come on the next pages. % Variables contain all of the information about where every piece of hardware was at each coordinate in the multidimensional dataset, but most of the time users only want to work with data as parameterized by a few key variables. % Crucially, the exact choice of parameterization may be context dependent, or multiple parameterizations may be desirable. \cite{NeffMallonNathanA2017a} % Axes, instances of the WrightTools \python{Axis} class, are easy to use parameterized interfaces to the variable arrays. % Axes do not contain any \emph{new} information, they simply contain expressions which describe how the variable arrays are accessed when manipulating or displaying the data. % The \python{tansform} method allows users to change these expressions. % Convenience attribute \python{axis_expressions} allows for quick inspection. % See section ... for more information. % Besides merely allowing users to access variables and channels, the \python{Data} class allows for manipulation and processing. % Many simple data processing tools are methods of \python{Channel} and \python{Variable}, and are discussed further later. % The data manipulation methods that \python{Data} contains are more holistic---they are manipulations that involve multiple variable and channel arrays. % \python{heal} attempts to ``fill'' holes via multidimensional interpolation. % \python{chop}, \python{collapse}, python{split}, \python{map_axis}, and \python{zoom} change the shape of the data object, by slicing, interpolation, or both. % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | c | l} & type & description \\ \hline \texttt{collapse} & method & Collapse along one dimension in a well-defined way. \\ \hline \texttt{convert} & method & Convert all axes of a certain kind. \\ \hline \texttt{create\_channel} & method & Create a new channel. \\ \hline \texttt{create\_variable} & method & Create a new variable. \\ \hline \texttt{fullpath} & attribute & External and internal path to data. \\ \hline \texttt{get\_nadir} & method & Get the coordinates, in units, of the minimum of a channel. \\ \hline \texttt{get\_zenith} & method & Get the coordinates, in units, of the maximum of a channel \\ \hline \texttt{heal} & method & Remove nans from channel using interpolation. \\ \hline \texttt{kind} & attribute & Instrumental origin of data. \\ \hline \texttt{level} & method & Subtract the average value of npts at the edge of a given axis. \\ \hline \texttt{map\_variable} & method & Map points of a variable to new points using linear interpolation. \\ \hline \texttt{natural\_name} & attribute & Natural name. \\ \hline \texttt{ndim} & attribute & Number of dimensions. \\ \hline \texttt{offset} & method & Offset one variable based on another variables values. \\ \hline \texttt{print\_tree} & method & Print a pretty tree including all contents. \\ \hline \texttt{remove\_channel} & method & Remove a channel. \\ \hline \texttt{remove\_variable} & method & Remove a variable. \\ \hline \texttt{rename\_channels} & method & Rename (multiple) channel(s). \\ \hline \texttt{shape} & attribute & Shape of data. \\ \hline \texttt{share\_nans} & method & Share not-a-numbers between all channels. \\ \hline \texttt{size} & attribute & Number of pixels in entire data shape. \\ \hline \texttt{smooth} & method & Smooth a channel using an n-dimensional Kaiser window. \\ \hline \texttt{source} & attribute & File of origin. \\ \hline \texttt{split} & method & Split the data along a given axis, in units. \\ \hline \texttt{transform} & method & Transform the data. \\ \hline \texttt{units} & attribute & Tuple of units for each axis. \\ \hline \texttt{variable\_names} & attribute & Variable names. \\ \hline \texttt{variables} & attribute & Variable objects. \\ \hline \texttt{zoom} & method & Zoom the data using spline interpolation of the requested order. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Attributes and methods of Data.]{ Key attributes and methods of data, lexicographically listed. } \label{pro:tab:data} \end{table} I now focus on the \python{Channel} and \python{Variable} classes. % These are the principle multidimensional array containers, and each instance of these classes corresponds to exactly one multidimensional array. % These two classes share a large amount of functionality, and they both inherit from the parent WrightTools \python{Dataset} class, which itself is a child of \python{h5py.Dataset}. % See \autoref{sof:sec:oop} to understand the concept of inheritance. % % TODO: consider demonstrating slicing \autoref{pro:tab:dataset} contains a description of each key component of the \python{Channel} and \python{Variable} classes. % For each component the column ``of'' indicates if it is a shared feature (inherited from \python{Dataset}), or unique to one or the other class. % Many of these are attributes which describe the contents or behavior of these arrays. % \python{argmax}, \python{argmin}, \python{max}, and \python{min} are methods that make it easy to inspect the most basic features of the array. % The concept of \python{null} as different from zero is unique to channels, and the components \python{signed}, \python{mag}, \python{major_extent}, and \python{minor_extent} come in association with the null idea. % These classes also have basic mathematical manipulation methods, such as \python{log}, \python{normalize}, and \python{symmetric_sqrt}. % Other operations are supported by in-place operations, as described in \autoref{pro:sec:in_place}. % Channels and variables inherit from h5py, so they support partial access through slicing (\python{__getitem__} syntax). % This means that, in principle, very large datasets can be processed piece-by-piece without loading the entire array into memory simultaneously. % This is trivial for ``blind'' operations like taking a logarithm or normalizing, and becomes more complex for operations like smoothing and interpolation. % WrightTools offers several methods that try to make it easier to process arrays piecewise. % \python{slices} returns a generator which yields tuples of slice objects for each chunk of the array. % \python{chunkwise} accepts a function and executes it on each chunk returned by \python{slices}. % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | c | c | l} & type & of & description \\ \hline \texttt{argmax} & method & both & Index of maximum, ignoring nans. \\ \hline \texttt{argmin} & method & both & Index of minimum, ignoring nans. \\ \hline \texttt{chunkwise} & method & both & Execute a function for each chunk in the dataset. \\ \hline \texttt{clip} & method & both & Clip values outside of a desired range. \\ \hline \texttt{convert} & method & both & Convert units, writing to disk. \\ \hline \texttt{full} & attribute & both & Content array expanded to full shape. \\ \hline \texttt{fullpath} & attribute & both & External and internal path to dataset. \\ \hline \texttt{label} & attribute & variable & Label to appear in subscript. \\ \hline \texttt{log} & method & both & Take the log of the entire dataset, with choice of base. \\ \hline \texttt{log10} & method & both & Take the base 10 log of the entire dataset. \\ \hline \texttt{log2} & method & both & Take the base 2 log of the entire dataset. \\ \hline \texttt{mag} & method & channel & Alias for \texttt{major\_extent}. \\ \hline \texttt{major\_extent} & attribute & channel & Maximum deviation from null. \\ \hline \texttt{max} & method & both & Maximum, ignoring nans. \\ \hline \texttt{min} & method & both & Minimum, ignoring nans. \\ \hline \texttt{minor\_extent} & attribute & channel & Minimum deviation from null. \\ \hline \texttt{natural\_name} & attribute & both & Natural name. \\ \hline \texttt{normalize} & method & channel & Zero out znull, divide such that mag is 1. \\ \hline \texttt{null} & attribute & channel & Null value. \\ \hline \texttt{parent} & attribute & both & Parent data object. \\ \hline \texttt{points} & attribute & both & Squeezed content array. \\ \hline \texttt{signed} & attribute & channel & Flag to indicate data is signed. \\ \hline \texttt{slices} & method & both & Returns a generator yielding tuple of slice objects. \\ \hline \texttt{symmetric\_root} & method & both & Take the root, propagating sign. \\ \hline \texttt{trim} & method & channel & Remove outliers using statistical tests. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Attributes and methods of Channel and Variable.]{ Key attributes and methods of channel and variable, lexicographically listed } \label{pro:tab:dataset} \end{table} I now focus on the \python{Axis} class. % \autoref{pro:tab:axis} contains a description of each key component of the \python{Axis} class. % Axes are ways to organize data as functional of particular variables (and combinations thereof). % The \python{Axis} class does not directly contain the respective arrays---it merely refers to the associated variables. % The flexibility of this association is one of the main new features in WrightTools 3. % Axis expressions are simple human-friendly strings made up of numbers and variable \python{natural_name}s. % Given 5 variables with names \python{['w1', 'w2', 'wm', 'd1', 'd2']}, example valid expressions include \python{'w1'}, \python{'w1=wm'}, \python{'w1+w2'}, \python{'2*w1'}, \python{'d1-d2'}, and \python{'wm-w1+w2'}. % Axes can be directly indexed / sliced into using \python{__getitem__}, and they support many of the ``numpy-like'' attributes. % Axes need not be one-dimensional. In fact, axes must have the same dimensionality as their parent \python{Data}. % The loosening of the one-dimensional axis requirement is what makes WrightTools data not fully structured, but ``semi-structured''. Section \ref{pro:sec:axes} decribes the \python{Axis} class in greater detail. % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | c | l} & type & description \\ \hline \texttt{full} & attribute & Content array expanded to full shape. \\ \hline \texttt{label} & attribute & Label to appear in subscript. \\ \hline \texttt{natural\_name} & attribute & Natural name. \\ \hline \texttt{ndim} & attribute & Number of dimensions. \\ \hline \texttt{points} & attribute & Squeezed content array. \\ \hline \texttt{shape} & attribute & Shape of axis. \\ \hline \texttt{size} & attribute & Number of pixels in axis. \\ \hline \texttt{units} & attrbute & Units of axis. \\ \hline \texttt{variables} & attribute & List of variables owned by axis. \\ \hline \texttt{convert} & method & Convert the axis to a different set of units. \\ \hline \texttt{min} & method & Get the axis minimum. \\ \hline \texttt{max} & method & Get the axis maximum. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Attributes and methods of Axis.]{ Key attributes and methods of axis, lexicographically listed } \label{pro:tab:axis} \end{table} \section{Creating a data object} \label{pro:sec:creating_data} % ================================= WrightTools data objects are capable of storing arbitrary multidimensional spectra, but how can w actually get data into WrightTools? % If you start with a wt5 file, the answer is easy: \python{wt.open()}. % But what if you have data that was written using some other software? % WrightTools offers data conversion functions (``from'' functions) that do the hard work of creating data objects from other files. % These from-functions are as parameter free as possible, which means they recognize details like shape and units from each specific file format without manual user intervention. % The most important thing about from-functions is that they are extensible: that is, that more from-functions can be easily added as needed. % This modular approach to data creation means that individuals who want to use WrightTools for new data sources can simply add one function to unlock the capabilities of the entire package as applied to their data. % \autoref{pro:tab:from_functions} contains the currently supported from functions in WrightTools. % \subsubsection{Discover dimensions} Certain older Wright Group file types (COLORS and KENT) are particularly difficult to import using a parameter-free from-function. % There are two problems: \begin{ditemize} \item Dimensionality limitation to individual files (1D for KENT, 2D for COLORS). \item Lack of self-describing metadata (headers). \end{ditemize} The way that WrightTools handles data creation for these file-types deserves special discussion. % Firstly, WrightTools contains hardcoded column information for each filetype. Data from Kent Meyer's ``picosecond control'' software had consistent columns over the lifetime of the software, so only one dictionary is needed to store these correspondences. % Schuyler Kain's ``COLORS'' software [CITE] used at least 7 different formats, and unfortunately these format types were not fully documented. % WrightTools attempts to guess the COLORS data format by counting the number of columns. % Because these file-types are dimensionality limited, there are many acquisitions that span over multiple files. % COLORS offered an explicit queue manager which allowed users to repeat the same 2D scan (often a Wigner scan) many times at different coordinates in non-scanned dimensions. % ps\_control scans were done more manually. % To account for this problem of multiple files spanning a single acquisition, the functions \python{from_COLORS} and \python{from_KENT} optionally accept \emph{lists} of filepaths. % Inside the function, WrightTools simply appends the arrays from all given files into one long array with many more rows. % The final and most challenging problem of parameter-free importing for these filetypes is \emph{dimensionality recognition}. % Because the files contain no metadata, the shape and coordinates of the original acquisition must be guessed by simply inspecting the columnar arrays. % In general, this problem can become very hard. % Luckily, each of these previous instrumental software packages was only used on one instrument with limited flexibility in acquisition type, so it is possible to make educated guesses for almost all acquisitions. % The function \python{wt.kit.discover_dimensions} handles the work of dimensionality recognition for both COLORS and ps\_control arrays. % This function may be used for more filetypes in the future. % Roughly, the function does the following: \begin{denumerate} \item Remove dimensions containing nan(s). \item Find which dimensions are equal (within tolerance), condense into single dimensions. \item Find which dimensions are scanned (move beyond tolerance). \item For each scanned dimension, find how many unique (outside of toelerance) points were taken. \item Linearize each scanned dimension between smallest and largest unique point. \item Return scanned dimension names, column indices and points. \end{denumerate} The \python{from_COLORS} and \python{from_KENT} functions then linearly interpolate each row in the channels onto the grid defined by \python{discover_dimensions}. % This interpolation uses \python{scipy.interpolate.griddata}, which in turn relies upon the C++ library Qhull. % This strategy can be copied in the future if other non-self-describing data sources are added into WrightTools. % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | l} function & data source \\ \hline \texttt{wt.collection.from\_CARY} & Cary brand spectrometers. \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_COLORS} & COLORS. \cite{KainSchuyler2017a} \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_JASCO} & JASCO brand spectrometers \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_KENT} & ps\_control. \cite{MeyerKentA2004a} \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_PyCMDS} & PyCMDS (\autoref{cha:acq}). \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_OceanOptics} & Ocean Optics brand spectrometers. \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_shimamdzu} & Shimadzu brand spectrometers. \\ \hline \texttt{wt.data.from\_Tensor27} & Tensor 27 FT-IR. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{pro:tab:from_functions} \end{table} \section{Collections} \label{pro:sec:collection} % =============================================== The WrightTools \python{Collection} class is a container class meant to organize the contents of the wt5 file. % It can contain other collection instances and data objects. % Conceptually, it behaves like a folder in a traditional file-system. % \python{wt.Collection} is a child of \python{h5py.Group} \cite{h5py.Group}. The primary attributes and methods of \python{Collection} are \begin{ditemize} \item attribute \python{item_names} \item attribute \python{fullpath} \end{ditemize} % TODO: finish adding attributes and methodsd Collections are useful because they allow WrightTools users to ``carry around'' several associated data objects in the same file. % For example, a publication might contain several experiments on the same sample. % Collections allow such experiments to be organized in a hierarchical way. % The hierarchy of contents that a collection contains can be easily visualized using the \python{print_tree} method. % As an example, consider the following collection instance which contains some experiments accomplished on neat carbon tetrachloride. % \begin{codefragment}{bash} >>> import WrightTools as wt >>> root = wt.open('CCl4.wt5') >>> root.print_tree() CCl4 (/tmp/0tze7b8a.wt5) ├── 0: delay (111,) │ ├── axes: d1 (fs) │ └── channels: ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3 └── 1: frequency ├── 0: delay_0 (51, 51) │ ├── axes: w2 (eV), w1=wm (eV) │ └── channels: ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4, mc └── 1: delay_200 (18, 20) ├── axes: w1=wm (eV), w2 (eV) └── channels: ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3 \end{codefragment} Looking at the output of \python{print_tree}, we can see that this collection (named \python{CCl4}) contains the following: \begin{denumerate} \item A data object ``\python{delay}'', shape \python{(111,)}. \item A collection object ``\python{frequency}'', containing two 2D data objects. \begin{denumerate} \item A data object ``\python{delay_0}'', shape \python{(51, 51)}. \item A data object ``\python{delay_200}'', shape \python{18, 20}. \end{denumerate} \end{denumerate} Since this is all contained in one file, a user of WrightTools can easily manage all three associated datasets. % Upon simple inspection it is obvious that two of the datasets are 2D frequency-frequency scans while one is a 1D delay slice. % Like \python{Channel}, \python{Data} and \python{Variable}, \python{Collection} supports adding arbitrary metadata through the \python{attrs} dictionary. % TODO: cite \subsection{From directory} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- The \python{wt.collection.from_directory} function can be used to automatically import all of the data sources in an entire directory tree. % It returns a WrightTools collection with the same internal structure of the directory tree, but with WrightTools data objects in the place of raw data source files. % Users can configure which files are routed to which from-function. % % TODO (also document on wright.tools) \section{Visualizing a data object} \label{pro:sec:artists} % ==================================== After importing and manipulating data, one typically wants to create a plot. % The artists sub-package contains everything users need to plot their data objects. % This includes both ``quick'' artists, which generate simple plots as quickly as possible, and a full figure layout toolkit that allows users to generate full publication quality figures. % It also includes ``specialty'' artists which are made to perform certain popular plotting operations, as I will describe below. % Currently the artists sub-package is built on-top of the wonderful matplotlib library. % In the future, other libraries (e.g. Mayavi \cite{Mayavi}), may be incorporated. % \subsection{Strategies for 2D visualization} % --------------------------------------------------- Representing two-dimensional data is an important capability for WrightTools, so some special discussion about how such representations work is warranted. % WrightTools data is typically very structured, with values recorded at a grid of positions. % To represent two-dimensional data, then, WrightTools needs to map the values onto a color axis. % There are better and worse choices of colormap... % TODO: elaborate \subsubsection{Colormap} \autoref{pro:fig:cmaps} shows the red, green, and blue components of four different colormaps. % The black line is the net brightness of each color (larger value means lighter color). % Below each figure is a gray-scale representation of the corresponding colormap. % The r, g, and b components are scaled according to human perception. % TODO: values, from where The traditional Wright Group colormap (derived from jet) is shown first. % Following are two perceptual colormaps, cubehelix from \texcite{GreenDA2009a}, and viridis, the new matplotlib default. WrightTools uses the algorithm from \textcite{GreenDA2009a} to define a custom cubehelix colormap with good perceptual properties and familiar Wright Group coloration. % \subsubsection{Interpolation type} WrightTools data is defined at discrete points, but an entire 2D surface must be defined in order to make a full colored surface. % Defining this surface requires \emph{interpolation}, and there are various strategies that have different advantages and disadvantages. % Choosing the wrong type of interpolation can be misleading. % \autoref{pro:fig:fill_types} represents different kinds of plot-type interpolation. % Each is labeled according to the corresponding matplotlib method call. % In the multidimensional spectroscopy community, the most popular form of interpolation is ``contourf'' and ``contour'', both based on Delaunay triangulation. % In \autoref{pro:fig:fill_types} the edges of the Delaunay triangles are drawn for clarity. % Such interpolation methods result in \emph{smoother} looking spectra, but they can look strange and cause visual artifacts. % ``pcolor'' is a much more direct approach that results in \emph{blocky} but honest two-dimensional plots. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"processing/wright_cmap"} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"processing/cubehelix_cmap"} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"processing/viridis_cmap"} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{"processing/default_cmap"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:cmaps} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{"processing/cmap_comparison"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:cmap_comparison} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{"processing/fill_types"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:fill_types} \end{figure} \subsection{Quick} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To facilitate easy visualization of data, WrightTools offers ``quick'' artist functions which quickly generate 1D or 2D representations. % These functions are made to make good representations by default, but they do have certain keyword arguments to make popular customization easy. % These are particular useful functions within the context of repls and auto-generated plots in acquisition software. % Default outputs of \python{wt.artists.quick1D} and \python{wt.artists.quick2D} are shown in \autoref{pro:fig:quick1D} and \autoref{pro:fig:quick2D}, respectively. % The full script used to create each image is included in the Figures. % Note that the actual quick functions are each one-liners, and that the supplied keyword arguments are necessary only because the images are being saved (not typical for users in interactive mode). % Perhaps the most powerful feature of \python{quick1D} and \python{quick2D} are their ability to treat higher-dimensional datasets by automatically generating multiple figures. % When handing a dataset of higher dimensionality to these artists, the user may choose which axes will be plotted against using keyword arguments. % Any axis not plotted against will be iterated over such that an image will be generated at each coordinate in that axis. % Users may also provide a dictionary with entries of the form \python{{axis_name: [position, units]}} to choose a single coordinate along non-plotted axes. % These functionalities are derived from \python{wt.Data.chop}, discussed further in \autoref{pro:sec:chop}. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{"processing/quick1D 000"} \includepython{"processing/quick1D.py"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:quick1D} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{"processing/quick2D 000"} \includepython{"processing/quick2D.py"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:quick2D} \end{figure} % TODO: signed data (with and without dynamic_range=True) \subsection{API} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The artists sub-package offers a thin wrapper on the default matplotlib object-oriented figure creation API. % The wrapper allows WrightTools to add the following capabilities on top of matplotlib: \begin{ditemize} \item More consistent multi-axes figure layout. \item Ability to plot data objects directly. \end{ditemize} Each of these is meant to lower the barrier to plotting data. % Without going into every detail of matplotlib figure generation capabilities, this section introduces the unique strategy that the WrightTools wrapper takes. % % \subsection{Gotchas} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TODO: mention gotcha of apparently narrowing linewidths with wigners (how to READ colormaps) \clearpage \section{Variables and channels} % =============================================================== Data objects are made up of many component channels and variables, each array having the same dimensionality of its parent data. % This strategy allows for maximal flexibility in data representation, but it can be overly expensive if certain arrays do not actually change against all of the dimensions. % This is often especially true with variables, which typically correspond to scannable hardware that may not have even moved across some (or any) dimensions. % To avoid unnecessarily large arrays, WrightTools allows Channels and Variables to have different sizes than the parent data. % As an example, consider the following object. \begin{codefragment}{bash} % TODO: need to use bash here because of box charachters :-( >>> import WrightTools as wt; from WrightTools import datasets >>> data = wt.data.from_COLORS(datasets.COLORS.v2p1_MoS2_TrEE_movie) >>> data.print_tree() MoS2 (/tmp/qhg_1b3l.wt5) ├── axes │ ├── 0: w2 (nm) (41, 1, 1) │ ├── 1: w1=wm (nm) (1, 41, 1) │ └── 2: d2 (fs) (1, 1, 23) ├── variables │ ├── 0: w2 (nm) (41, 1, 1) │ ├── 1: w1 (nm) (1, 41, 1) │ ├── 2: wm (nm) (1, 41, 1) │ ├── 3: d2 (fs) (1, 1, 23) │ ├── 4: w3 (nm) (1, 1, 1) │ ├── 5: d0 (fs) (1, 1, 1) │ └── 6: d1 (fs) (1, 1, 1) └── channels ├── 0: ai0 (41, 41, 23) ├── 1: ai1 (41, 41, 23) ├── 2: ai2 (41, 41, 23) ├── 3: ai3 (41, 41, 23) ├── 4: ai4 (41, 41, 23) └── 5: mc (41, 41, 23) \end{codefragment} Note that this is the primary dataset discussed in \autoref{cha:mx2}. % The shape of this data object is \python{(41, 41, 23)}, but none of the variables have that full shape. % From a quick inspection, one can see that \python{w1} and \python{wm} were scanned together, while \python{w2} and \python{d2} were the other two dimensions. % \python{w3}, \python{d0}, and \python{d1} were not moved at all, yet their coordinates are still propagated. % \section{Axes} \label{pro:sec:axes} % ============================================================ The axes have the joint shape of their component variables. % Although not shown in this example, channels also may have axes with length 1. Axes, variables, and channels are array-likes, so they support slicing operations. % In addition, all three classes have \python{points} and \python{full} attributes that return the squeezed and broadcasted array, respectively. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{"processing/fringes_transform"} \includepython{"processing/fringes_transform.py"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \end{figure} \section{Math} % ================================================================================= Now that we know the basics of how the WrightTools \python{Data} class stores data, it's time to do some data manipulation. % Let's start with some elementary algebra. % % TODO: mention chunkwise strategy \subsection{In-place operators} \label{pro:sec:in_place} % --------------------------------------- In Python, operators are symbols that carry out some computation. % Consider the following: \begin{codefragment}{python, label=pro:lst:array_addition} >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([4, 5, 6]) >>> b = np.array([-1, -2, -3]) >>> c = a + b >>> c array([3, 3, 3]) \end{codefragment} Here, \python{a} and \python{b} are operands and \python{+} is an operator. % When used in this simple way, operators typically create and return a \emph{new} object in the computers memory. % We can verify this by using Python's built-in \python{id} function on the objects created in \ref{pro:lst:array_addition}. % \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> id(a), id(b), id(c) (139712529580400, 139712333712320, 139712333713040) \end{codefragment} This is usually fine, but sometimes the operands are unwieldy large objects that take a lot of memory to store. % In other cases operators are used millions of times such that, used as above, millions of new arrays will be created. % One way to avoid these problems is to use \emph{in-place} operators. % Using a slightly different syntax, one can tell Python to overwrite one of the operands with the new value. % Continuing from \ref{pro:lst:array_addition}: \begin{codefragment}{python, label=pro:lst:in_place_addition} >>> a += b >>> a array([3, 3, 3]) \end{codefragment} No output \python{c} array was created, so no additional memory footprint is needed in \ref{pro:lst:in_place_addition}. % Since WrightTools channels and variables are typically large arrays, and since these arrays are stored on disk inside of a larger file, WrightTools requires the use of in-place operators for all normal math. % Currently WrightTools supports addition (\python{+=}), multiplication(\python{*=}), power (\python{**=}), subtraction (\python{-=}), and division (\python{/=}). % As an example, consider dividing a channel by a specific factor: \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> import WrightTools as wt; from WrightTools import datasets >>> data = wt.data.from_JASCO(datasets.JASCO.PbSe_batch_1) data.created at /tmp/tdyvfxu8.wt5::/ range: 2500.0 to 700.0 (nm) size: 1801 >>> data.signal >>> data.signal.min(), data.signal.max() (0.10755, 1.58144) >>> data.signal /= 2 >>> data.signal.max(), data.signal.min() (0.053775, 0.79072) \end{codefragment} Variables also support in-place operators. % \subsection{Clip} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clip allows users to exclude values outside of a certain range. % This can be particularly useful in cases like fitting. % See section ... for an example. % TODO: link to section It's also useful for when noise in a certain region of a spectrum obscures useful data... Particularly true for normalized and signed data. % \subsection{Symmetric root} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Homodyne vs heterodyne-detected data need to be scaled appropriately for comparison. % Much of the data that we collect in the Wright Group is homodyne detected, so it goes as $N^2$. % To compare with the majority of other experiments, including basic linear experiments like absorption and Raman spectroscopy, need to plot on ``amplitude level'', that is $\mathsf{amplitude=\sqrt{signal}}$. % Due to things like leveling, chopping, baseline subtraction, and simple noise even homodyne detected data typically include negative numbers. % Symmetric root treats these values as cleanly as possible by applying the same relative scaling to positive and negative values, and keeping the sign of each pixel, as the following psudocode shows. % \begin{codefragment}{python} def symmetric_root(value): return sign(value) * sqrt(abs(value)) \end{codefragment} For generality, \python{wt.Channel.symmetric_root} accepts any root as an argument. % The default is 2, for the common case of going from intensity scaling to amplitude scaling. % Any other power can be applied to a channel using the in-place \python{**=} syntax. % \subsection{Log} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The method \python{wt.Channel.log} applies logarithmic scaling to a channel. % The base of the log is settable by keyword argument, with a default of $\me$. % There are also methods \python{wt.Channel.log10} and \python{wt.Channel.log2}, which accept no keyword arguments. % These may be slightly faster than \python{channel.log(base=10)} and \python{channel.log(base=2)}. % \subsection{Level} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TODO: figure from wright.tools \subsection{Trim} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trim uses statistical treatment to find and remove outliers from a dataset. % It is useful in cases where the naive strategy employed by \python{wt.Channel.clip} is not sufficient, and when preparing for fitting. % Currently \python{trim} only supports one statistical treatment: the z-test. % Z-testing compares each pixel to its multidimensional neighborhood of pixels. % If the pixel is more than $n$ standard deviations outside of the neighborhood mean (using the neighborhood standard deviation) it is either masked, replaced with \python{np.nan}, or replaced with the neighborhood mean. % All outliers are found before any outliers are modified, so the algorithm is not directional. % % TODO: z-test citation \python{wt.Channel.trim} can easily be enhanced with other statistical methods as needed. % \subsection{Smooth} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \python{wt.Channel.smooth} essentially passes the channel through a low-pass filter. % It does this by convolving the channel with an n-dimensional Kaiser–Bessel window. % % TODO: define Kaiser window % TODO: citations % TODO: motivate use of Kaiser window over other choices Smoothing is a highly destructive process, and can be very dangerous if used unthinkingly. % However it can be useful when noisy data is collected in high resolution. % By taking many more pixels than required to capture the relevant spectral or temporal features, one can confidently smooth collected data in post to achieve clean results. % This strategy is similar to that accomplished in time domain CMDS where a low-pass filter is applied on the very high resolution raw data. % % TODO: figure: example of smoothed data \clearpage \section{Dimensionality manipulation} % ========================================================== WrightTools offers several strategies for reducing the dimensionality of a data object. % Also consider using the fit sub-package. % TODO: more info, link to section \subsection{Chop} \label{pro:sec:chop} % --------------------------------------------------------- Chop is one of the most important methods of data, although it is typically not called directly by users of WrightTools. % Chop takes n-dimensional data and ``chops'' it into all of it's lower dimensional components. % Consider a 3D dataset in \python{('wm', 'w2''', 'w1''''')}. % This dataset can be chopped to it's component 2D \python{('wm'', 'w1')} spectra. % \begin{codefragment}{python, label=test_label} >>> import WrightTools as wt; from WrightTools import datasets >>> data = wt.data.from_PyCMDS(datasets.PyCMDS.wm_w2_w1_000) data created at /tmp/lzyjg4au.wt5::/ axes ('wm', 'w2', 'w1') shape (35, 11, 11) >>> chopped = data.chop('wm', 'w1') chopped data into 11 piece(s) in ('wm', 'w1'') >>> chopped.chop000 \end{codefragment} \python{chopped} is a collection containing 11 data objects: \python{chop000, chop001 ... chop010}. % Note that, by default, the collection is made at the root level of a new tempfile. % An optional keyword argument \python{parent} allows users to specify the destination for this new collection. % These lower dimensional data objects can then be used in plotting routines, fitting routines etc. % By default, chop returns \emph{all} of the lower dimensional slices. % Considering the same data object from \autoref{test_label}, we can choose to get all 1D wm slices. % \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> chopped = data.chop('wm') chopped data into 121 piece(s) in ('wm',) >>> chopped.chop000 \end{codefragment} If desired, users may use the \python{at} keyword argument to specify a particular coordinate in the un-retained dimensions. % For example, suppose that you want to plot the data from \ref{test_label} as an wm, w1 plot at w2 = 1580 wn. % \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> chopped = data.chop('wm', 'w1', at={'w2': [1580, 'wn']})[0] chopped data into 1 piece(s) in ('wm', 'w1') >>> chopped >>> chopped.w2.points array([1580.0]) \end{codefragment} Note the [0]... % TODO This same syntax used in artists... % TODO \subsection{Collapse} % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \python{wt.Data.collapse} reduces the dimensionality of the data object by exactly 1 using some mathematical operation. % Currently supported methods are integrate, average, sum, max, and min, with integrate as default. % Collapsing a dataset is a very simple and powerful method of dimensionality reduction. % It allows users to inspect the net dependency along a set of axes, without being opinionated about the coordinate in other dimensions. % It can also be used as a method of noise reduction. % \subsection{Split} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \python{wt.Data.split} is not a proper method of dimensionality reduction, but it is a crucial tool for interacting with the dimensionality of a data object. % \python{split} allows users to access a portion of the dataset. % The most common use-case is certainly in fitting operations. % In population spectroscopies like transient absorption and transient grating it has become typical to take three-dimensional ``movies'' in \python{('w1', 'w2', 'd2')}, where \python{w1} is a probe, \python{'w2'} is a pump, and \python{'d2'} is a population delay. % It can be informative to fit each \python{d2} trace to a model (often single exponential), but such a fit will not do well to describe the signal through zero delay and for positive \python{d2} values (into the coherence pathways). % \python{data.split(d2=0.)} will return two data objects, one for the positive delays and one for negative. % You can then pass the data object with only population response into your fitting routine. % \subsection{Join} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Like \python{split}, \python{wt.data.join} is not a method of dimensionality reduction. % It is also not a method of the \python{Data} class, it is a bare function. % Join accepts multiple data objects and attempts to join them together. % To do this, the variable and channel names must agree. % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{"processing/join_example"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO} \label{pro:fig:join_example} \end{figure} \section{Fitting} \label{pro:sec:fit} % ========================================================== Like the rest of WrightTools, the \python{fit} sub-package is made to play as nicely as possible with high-dimensional data. % WrightTools uses fitting as a method of dimensionality reduction. % For example, consider a three-dimensional \python{('w1', 'w2', 'd2')} ``movie'', where \python{d2} is a population delay that can be well approximated by a single exponential decay with offset. % Rather than attempt to visualize \python{w1, w2} at some specific value of \python{d2}, it can be powerful to instead consider the parameters (amplitude, offset, and time constant) of an exponential fit at each \python{w1, w2} coordinate. % On a more practical note, this kind of slice-by-slice dimensionality reduction via fitting can greatly simplify automated instrumental calibration (see ...) % TODO: link to opa chapter WrightTools employs some simple tricks to enable these kind of fit operations, described here. % % TODO: consider inserting figures that demonstrate this story (need to use wt2?) \subsection{Function objects} % ------------------------------------------------------------------ One challenge of slice-by-slice fitting is making a good intial guess to optimize from. % It is not tractable to ask the user to provide a guess for each slice, so some kind of reasonable automated guessing must be used. % WrightTools ``function'' objects are self contained describers of a particular function. % As an example, consider the \python{wt.fit.Expontial} class... It has parameters... Fit... Evaluate... Guess... Can be used directly... [USERS CAN WRITE THEIR OWN FUNCTION OBJECTS] \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{"processing/fit_function"} \includepython{"processing/fit_function.py"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO } \end{figure} \subsection{Fitter} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fitter class is specially made to work seamlessly with data objects. % WrightTools is especially good at dimensionality reduction through fitting. % This concept is best demonstrated through an example. % Let’s load in some test data. % \begin{codefragment}{python} #import import WrightTools as wt from WrightTools import datasets # create ps = datasets.COLORS.v2p1_MoS2_TrEE_movie data = wt.data.from_COLORS(ps) # cleanup data.level('ai0', 'd2', -3) data.scale() data.convert('eV') data.name = 'MoS2' \end{codefragment} This is a three-dimensional dataset: % \begin{codefragment}{python} >>> data.axis_names ['w2', 'w1', 'd2'] >>> data.shape (41, 41, 23) \end{codefragment} We could create an animation to see every single pixel, but we can't see everything at once that way. % Instead we could imagine fitting every decay ($\tau_{21}$ trace) to an exponential. % Then we could plot the amplitude and time constant of that exponential decay. % This helps us get at subtle questions about the data. % Do the lineshapes narrow with time? Does the redder feature decay slower than the bluer feature? % Faster? % Using the \python{Fitter} class, it is easy to perform an exponential fit along each TAU21 trace at each OMEGA1, OMEGA2 coordinate. % \begin{codefragment}{python} # isolate only relevant data data = data.split('w1', 1.75)[1].split('d2', 0)[0] # prepare a function function = wt.fit.Exponential() function.limits['amplitude'] = [0, 1] function.limits['offset'] = [0, 0] function.limits['tau'] = [0, 2000] # do the fit fitter = wt.fit.Fitter(function, data, 'd2') outs = fitter.run() \end{codefragment} When we call fitter.run(), every slice of the data object will be fit according to the given function object. Fitter automatically creates two new data objects when this happens. outs contains the fit parameters, in this case amplitude, tau, and offset. Accordingly, outs is lower-dimensional than the original data object. model contains the fit evaluated at each coordinate of the original dataset—it’s really useful for inspecting the quality of your fit procedure. [ALSO GOOD FOR WORKUP OF TUNING DATA: SEE SECTION ...] \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{"processing/fit_amplitude"} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{"processing/fit_tau"} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{pro:fig:fitted_movie} \end{figure} \section{Construction, maintenance, and distribution} % ========================================== While WrightTools has already been useful to the work done in the WrightGroup over the last 3 years, the true potential of the package lies in its future. % WrightTools is designed in a modular way so that it can be continuously enhanced to serve an ever-wider set of users and spectroscopies. % Despite its name, WrightTools is built to be used even by those outside of the Wright Group. % Currently WrightTools may be only 75\% of what a typical multidimensional spectroscopist needs, but if those scientists work to enhance the package with what \emph{they} need, they may also solve problems for others such that the usefulness of the software gradually increases. % In order for this dream to come true, WrightTools must be constructed and maintained by collaborative tools such that users feel comfortable contributing to future enhancements. % All of the challenges to collaboration discussed in \autoref{cha:sof} certainly apply to WrightTools, so it is important that we follow best practices now in order to make WrightTools as maintainable and future-proof as possible. % To this end, this section discusses strategies that I have employed in the construction, maintenance, and distribution of WrightTools. % \subsection{Licensing} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As discussed in \autoref{cha:sof}, open source licenses are an important part of scientific software development. % Those writing software must explicitly license their project in order to ensure that users have basic rights to copy edit and distribute code. % WrightTools is licensed under the hugely popular Expat/MIT license. % This license is incredibly permissive and puts as few restrictions as possible on the end users. % The following is the WrightTools license, reproduced in its entirety. % \begin{dquote} The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016-2018 WrightTools Developers. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \end{dquote} As an aside, since Python is an interpreted language the source code of a library \emph{must} be distributed for that library to work. % In this way, ``closed-source Python'' is a kind of oxymoron. % However many Python libraries end up being interfaces to compiled code that could in theory be closed-source. % The Scientific Python Stack have MIT-compatible licenses, including BSD-like licenses. % \subsection{Version control} % ------------------------------------------------------------------- As mentioned several times in \autoref{cha:sof}, having software under source control is probably the most important recommendation in scientific software development. % Source control allows developers to create ``checkpoints'' for their software package that can be returned to again and again. % Developers can collaborate together to edit the software by making incremental changes that are easy to review. % WrightTools uses git \cite{git} for source control, and the package is hosted on GitHub \cite{GitHub, WrightToolsGitHub}. % As of 2018-04-08, WrightTools has 1,018 commits from seven developers, as shown in \autoref{pro:tab:commits}. % In addition to simply hosting the git repo, GitHub gives us issue tracking and automated integration with zenodo. % The WrightTools package has a developer controlled version as well, following the semantic versioning convention \cite{SemanticVersioning}. % The current distributed version of WrightTools is \bash{3.0.1}, with \bash{3.0.2} under active development. % The wt5 file also has a semantic version, currently \bash{1.0.0}. % These attributes can be accessed through python: \python{wt.__version__} and \python{wt.__wt5_version__}. % \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{c | c | c | c} person & number of commits & lines added & lines removed \\ \hline Blaise Thompson & 478 & 621,918 & 507,938 \\ \hline Kyle Sunden & 208 & 19,293 & 9,218 \\ \hline Darien Morrow & 29 & 1,589 & 127 \\ \hline Nathan Neff-Mallon & 20 & 2,880 & 910 \\ \hline Kyle Czech & 5 & 1,150 & 25 \\ \hline Daniel Kohler & 3 & 113 & 29 \\ \hline Rachel Swedin & 1 & 5,197 & 0 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[CAPTION TODO]{ Commits to WrightTools by individual, ordered by number of commits. Wright Stuff is... Note that datasets... } \label{pro:tab:commits} \end{table} \subsection{Unit tests} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainable code must be tested, so that future developers can use tests to ensure that they do not break necessary functionality. % Unit testing is a very simple testing paradigm in which small, separate tests are written to address each ``unit'' of the software package. % As an example, the following is one of WrightTools' tests: \begin{codefragment}{python} # part of WrightTools/tests/data/convert_data.py def test_wigner(): p = datasets.COLORS.v2p2_WL_wigner data = wt.data.from_COLORS(p) assert data.d1.units == 'fs' data.convert('ns') assert data.d1.units == 'ns' assert data.wm.units == 'nm' data.close() \end{codefragment} This test loads one of the distributed COLORS datasets and makes sure that the \python{convert} method works as intended. % To do this, it uses the \python{assert} statement which raises an exception when a condition is \python{False}. % This particular test is pretty humble, but there is strength in numbers: as of 2018-04-08 there are 224 unit tests within WrightTools. % Using the built in \python{pytest} library (\bash{python setup.py test}), a programmer can run all of the tests and receive a report on what failed and why. % If a future programmer unintentionally breaks \python{convert}, the above test will fail and alert her to the unexpected side effect of her modification. % [PARAGRAPH ABOUT CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION] \subsection{Distribution} \label{pro:sec:distribution} % ------------------------------------------ WrightTools is on GitHub, which is a fantastic way for developers to get software onto their computers. % But how does software get onto everybody elses machine? % Developers call this process ``distribution''. % Luckily for us, distribution is fairly simple within the Python ecosystem. % The same tools that are used to distribute hugely popular packages like numpy are also available for anyone else, including WrightTools. % The Python Package Index (PyPI), affectionately known as the cheese shop, is the official third party software repository for Python. % It is community maintained, and supported by the Python Software Foundation and The Python Packaging Group. % As of 2018-04-08 PyPI hosts 134,758 Python packages, all for free. % WrightTools is also hosted on PyPI. % Every time we change our version, we ``release'' by uploading the newest version to PyPI. % pip (``pip installs packages'', ``pip installs python'', or ``preferred installer program'') [CITE] can be used to install packages directly from PyPI: % \begin{codefragment}{bash} pip install WrightTools \end{codefragment} Conda is a multilingual package manager that handles virtual environments and dependencies, even binary dependencies, in a hassle-free way. % Since the scientific Python ecosystem has so many non-Python binary dependencies, Conda is a popular choice---especially on Windows where the necessary compilers are not typically pre-installed. % Unlike pip, conda is not tied to a single repository. % There is the official repository, maintained by Anaconda, the company that develops conda. [CITE] % There is also the popular conda-forge repository, which is maintained by the community via GitHub. [CITE] % WrightTools is on conda-forge: % \begin{codefragment}{bash} conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install WrightTools \end{codefragment} \subsection{Documentation} % --------------------------------------------------------------------- WrightTools is a piece of scripted software, and many spectroscopists many not be comfortable with using such a thing immediately. % To this end, it is important to have easy to use, searchable documentation with end-users in mind. % wright.tools Built and hosted by readthedocs Both master and development versions... % \clearpage % \section{Future directions} % ==================================================================== % Single variable decomposition. % % Usage in next-generation simulation packages. % % More tests. % % Usage by multiple groups. %