\chapter{Procedures} \section{Aligining TOPAS-C} \section{Aligning Spitfire PRO} \section{Air Handling} \section{Six Month Maintenance} \section{Tuning MicroHR Monochromator} Visible Grating. % Align the HeNe as perpendicular as possible to the monochromator entrance slit. % Move the grating angle until the HeNe falls on the exit slit. % Shine a flashlight through the entrance slit and observe the colour on the exit slit: if white, then you are at 0-order (0 nm), if red, then you are at 1st order (632.8 nm). % Go to 0-order, narrow the slits, and slowly adjust the angle until the HeNe is going through the exit slit. % Go to Jovin Yvon/utilities and find the motor configuration program. % In the Gratings tab, select the 1st grating (1200 line density) and hit Calibrate. % In theoretical wavelength, enter 0 nm. % In experimental wavelength, enter the wavelength you observe from the control program. % Hit set. %