* META ** labeling convention *** chapter:kind:identifier, where kind is one of the following: **** cha: chapter **** sec: section (including subsections) **** eqn: equation **** fig: figure **** tab: table **** lst: code listing **** prt: part * abs: abstract * int: introduction ** TODO cite:MaimanTheodoreHarold1960a * spc: spectroscopy ** light-matter interaction *** resonances *** coherences *** dephasing *** instrumental response function ** types of spectroscopy *** linear vs multidimensional **** issue of congestion and of selectivity *** homodyne vs heterodyne **** TODO paul has a great discussion of the drawbacks of homodyne detection docview:HebertPaulC2016a.pdf::150 *** frequency domain vs time domain *** TG, TA **** TODO cite:AubockGerald2012a (2D UV TA) *** TSF *** DOVE *** 2DIR, 2DES *** MUPPETS *** GRAPES, WHITE-GRAPES ** instrumentation *** light sources *** OPAs *** delay stages *** spectrometers ** pump-probe-like spectroscopy *** TODO wmel diagrams for TG, TG with population transfer *** TG and TA *** derive how TA works out so nicely * ABANDONED mat: materials * sof: software * pro: processing ** data object model *** creating a data object *** dimensionality manipulation *** math *** the wt5 file ** artists ** fitting ** distribution and licensing ** future directions * mix: mixed domain * instrumental development * PbSe * MX2 * BiVO4 * public * software * hardware * procedures * references