"""OPA interferometry""" # --- import -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import WrightTools as wt import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os # --- define -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- folderpath = os.getcwd() datafolder = os.path.join(folderpath, '2014.04.10 data') # --- get data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p = 'OPA_interferometry.wt5' if False: col = wt.Collection(name='root') # autointerference filepath = os.path.join(datafolder, 'auto interferometry (1) 0 ms wait [1x201] Delay.dat') ignore=['w3', 'dref', 'm0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6'] d = wt.data.from_COLORS(filepath, name='auto', ignore=ignore, parent=col) # crossinterference filepath = os.path.join(datafolder, 'cross interferometry (2) 0 ms wait [1x201] Delay.dat') ignore=['w3', 'dref', 'm0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6'] d = wt.data.from_COLORS(filepath, name='cross', ignore=ignore, parent=col) # interference over time filepath = os.path.join(datafolder, 'high res (1) 1 shots 100 ms wait [1000] Capture.dat') arr = np.genfromtxt(filepath).T xi = np.arange(1000)*.1 # convert to seconds yi = arr[8][:256] zi = arr[21] zi.shape = (-1, 256) d = wt.Data(name='time', parent=col) d.create_variable('time', values=xi[:, None]) d.create_variable('wa', values=yi[None, :], units='nm', label='a') d.create_channel('array', values=zi) d.transform('time', 'wa') col.save(p, overwrite=True) col = wt.open(p) # --- auto and cross correlation figure ----------------------------------------------------------- if True: def plotter(ax, d, label): ax.pcolor(d, channel='mc') # pcolor is kinda distracting ax.set_ylim(1200,1400) ax.set_xlabel('delay (fs)') ax.grid() wt.artists.corner_text(label) fig, gs = wt.artists.create_figure(width='double', cols=[1,1,'cbar']) # auto ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) plotter(ax, col.auto, 'auto-interference') # cross ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) plotter(ax, col.cross, 'cross-interference') # pretty up wt.artists.set_fig_labels(ylabel=col.auto.wa.label) # colorbar cax = plt.subplot(gs[0,-1]) ticks = np.linspace(0,1,11) label = 'norm array signal' wt.artists.plot_colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks, label=label) # finish p = 'auto_cross_interference.png' wt.artists.savefig(p) # --- over time ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if True: def plotter(ax, d): ax.pcolor(d) # pcolor is kinda distracting ax.set_ylim(1250,1350) ax.set_xlabel('lab time (s)') ax.set_ylabel(col.auto.wa.label) ax.grid() #d.array.clip(.3) fig, gs = wt.artists.create_figure(width='double', cols=[1, 'cbar'], default_aspect=.5) # overtime ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) plotter(ax, col.time) ax.hlines(1300, 0, 99.9, color='grey', linewidth=5, alpha=.7, zorder=10) # colorbar cax = plt.subplot(gs[0,-1]) ticks = np.linspace(0,1,11) label = 'norm array signal' wt.artists.plot_colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks, label=label) # finish p = 'time_interference.png' wt.artists.savefig(p)