\chapter{Colophon} This document was prepared using \LaTeX{}. % The vast majority of figures were not remade for this document, and are simply reproduced from other locations. % The source, including raw data, python scripts, image files and all other associated files can be found at \url{https://git.chem.wisc.edu/bthompson/dissertation}. % If using git, simply clone: \begin{codefragment}{bash} git clone https://git.chem.wisc.edu/bthompson/dissertation.git \end{codefragment} The easiest way to reproduce this document is to use the bash script \bash{build.sh}, located in the top directory of the repository. % The python scripts within the repository require WrightTools 3 or newer. % Please contact me directly for any reason at my permanent email address: \texttt{blaise@untzag.com}. %