\documentclass[journal=jpccck]{achemso} %\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % Formula subscripts using \ce{} %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use modern font encodings \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{bm} % bold mathtype %\usepackage{tabularx} \graphicspath{{"figures/"}} \title{Global Analysis of Transient Grating and Transient Absorption of PbSe Quantum Dots} \author{Daniel D. Kohler} \author{Blaise J. Thompson} \author{John C. Wright} \affiliation{Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1101 University Ave, Madison, WI 53706, United States} \keywords{CMDS, FWM} % BJT: we need more / better keywords \date{\today} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} We examine the non-linear response of PbSe quantum dots about the 1S exciton using two-dimensional transient absorption and transient grating techniques. The combined analysis of both methods provides the complete amplitude and phase of the non-linear susceptibility. The phased spectra reconcile questions about the relationships between the PbSe quantum dot electronic states and the nature of nonlinearities measured by two-dimensional absorption and transient grating methods. The fits of the combined dataset reveal and quantify the presence of continuum transitions. \end{abstract} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \input{introduction} \section{Theory} \input{theory} \section{Methods} \input{methods} \section{Results} \input{results} \section{Discussion} \input{discussion} \section{Conclusion} \input{conclusion} \begin{acknowledgement} The authors grateful acknowledge staff scientist Andrei Pakoulev (1960-2014) for insightful conversations and devoted tutelage. We thank Qi Ding for her TEM characterizations of the quantum dot samples. \end{acknowledgement} \begin{suppinfo} lots of data is online \end{suppinfo} %\bibliographystyle{achemso} \bibliography{mybib} \end{document}