\chapter{PEDOT:PSS} \section{Introduction} Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) is a transparent, electrically conductive (up to 4380 S cm$^{-1}$ \cite{KimNara2013a}) polymer. % It has found widespread use as a flexible, cheap alternative to inorganic transparent electrodes such as indium tin oxide. % As a polymer, PEDOT:PSS implicitly contains a large amount of structural inhomogeneity. % On top of this, PEDOT:PSS is a two component material, composed of PEDOT (low molecular weight, p-doped, highly conductive) and PSS (high molecular-weight, insulating, stabilizing). % These two components segment into domains of conductive and non-conductive material, leading to even more structural inhomogeneity. % Nonlinear spectroscopy may be able to shed light on the microscopic environment of electronic states within PEDOT:PSS. % \section{Background} Complex microstructure: \begin{enumerate} \item PEDOT oligomers (6---18-mers) \item these oligomers $\pi$-stack to form small nanocrystalites, 3 to 14 oligomers for pristine films to as many as 13---14 oligomers for more conductive solvent treated films \item nanocrystallites then arrange into globular conductive particles in a pancakge-like shape \item these particles themselves are then linked via PSS-rich domains and assembled into nanofibril geometry akin to a string of pearls \item nanofibrils interweave to form thin films, with PSS capping layer at surface \end{enumerate} Prior spectroscopy (absorption anisotropy, X-ray scattering, condutivity). % % TODO: absorption spectrum of thin film Broad in the infrared due to midgap states created during doping from charge-induced lattice relaxations. % These electronic perturbations arise from injected holes producing a quinoidal distortion spread over 4-5 monomers of the CP aromatic backbone, collectively called a polaron. % Energetically favorable to be spin-silent bipolaron. % \section{Methods} PEDOT:PSS (Orgacon Dry, Sigma Aldrich) was dropcast onto a glass microscope slide at 1 mg/mL at a tilt to ensure homogeneous film formation. % The sample was heated at 100 $^\circ$C for $\sim$15 min to evaporate water. % An ultrafast oscillator (Spectra-Physics Tsunami) was used to prepare $\sim$35 fs seed pulses. % These were amplified (Spectra-Physics Spitfire Pro XP, 1 kHz), split, and converted into 1300 nm 40 fs pulses using two separate optical parametric amplifiers (Light Conversion TOPAS-C): ``OPA1'' and ``OPA2''. % Pulses from OPA2 were split again, for a total of three excitation pulses: $\omega_1$, $\omega_2$ and $\omega_{2^\prime}$. % These were passed through motorized (Newport MFA-CC) retroreflectors to control their relative arrival time (``delay'') at the sample: $\tau_{21} = \tau_2 - \tau_1$ and $\tau_{22^\prime} = \tau_2 - \tau_{2^\prime}$. The three excitation pulses were focused into the sample in a $1^\circ$ right-angle isoceles triange, as in the BOXCARS configuration. \cite{EckbrethAlanC1978a} % Each excitation beam was 67 nJ focused into a 375 $\mathsf{\mu m}$ symmetric Gaussian mode for an intensity of 67 $\mathsf{\mu J / cm^2}$. % A new beam, emitted coherently from the sample, was isolated with apertures and passed into a monochromator (HORIBA Jobin Yvon MicroHR, 140 mm focal length) with a visible grating (500 nm blaze 300 groves per mm). % The monochromator was set to pass all colors (0 nm, 250 $\mathsf{\mu m}$ slits) to keep the measurement impulsive. % Signal was detected using an InSb photodiode (Teledyne Judson J10D-M204-R01M-3C-SP28). % Four wave mixing was isolated from excitation scatter using dual chopping and digital signal processing. % \section{Transmittance and reflectance} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/linear"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS transmission and reflectance spectra.]{ Thin film spectra. Transmission, reflectance, and extinction spectrum of the thin film used in this work. % Extinction is $\log_{10}{\mathsf{(transmission)}}$. % } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_linear} \end{figure} \clearpage} \autoref{fig:PEDOTPSS_linear} shows the transmission, reflectance, and extinction spectrum of the thin film used in this work. % \section{Three-pulse echo spectroscopy} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/mask"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE phase matching mask.]{ Phase matching mask used in this experiment. Each successive ring subtends 1 degree, such that the excitation pulses are each angled one degree relative to the mask center. The two stars mark the two output poyntings detected in this work. } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_mask} \end{figure} \clearpage} Two dimensional $\tau_{21}, \tau_{22^\prime}$ scans were taken for two phase matching configurations: (1) $k_{\mathsf{out}} = k_1 - k_2 + k_{2^\prime}$ (3PE) and (2) $k_{\mathsf{out}} = k_1 + k_2 - k_{2^\prime}$ (3PE*). % The rephasing and nonrephasing pathways exchange their time dependance between these two configurations. % Comparing both pathways, rephasing-induced peak shifts can be extracted as in 3PE. [CITE] % All data was modeled using numerical integration of the Liouville-von Numann equation. % Continuously variable ND filters (THORLABS NDC-100C-4M, THORLABS NDL-10C-4) were used to ensure that all three excitation pulse powers were equal within measurement error. % \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/raw"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE raw data.]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_raw} \end{figure} \clearpage} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/processed"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE processed data.]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_processed} \end{figure} \clearpage} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/delay_space"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE delay space.]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_delay_space} \end{figure} \clearpage} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/traces"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE traces.]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_traces} \end{figure} \clearpage} \afterpage{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{"PEDOT:PSS/overtraces"} \caption[PEDOT:PSS 3PE traces.]{ CAPTION TODO } \label{fig:PEDOTPSS_overtraces} \end{figure} \clearpage} \section{Frequency-domain transient grating spectroscopy}