title: Lost Coast with the Tills start: 2024-07-02 end: 2024-07-09 _This memory is written in first person from the perspective of Blaise Thompson._ TODO: bird observations 1 Steller's Jay 2 Anna's Hummingbird 3 Brown Pelican 4 Bushtit 5 Brewer's Blackbird 6 California Quail 7 Snowy Plover 8 Chestnut-backed Chickadee 9 Black Phoebe 10 American Dipper 11 California Towhee # 2024-07-02 Tuesday # 2024-07-03 Wednesday # 2024-07-04 Thursday # 2024-07-05 Friday
Blaise's bag packed for the trip.
View of scale model seen at visitor center.
First view of lost coast as seen from the visitor center.
All three hikers pose at the start of their journey.
I pose in front of the warning sign indicating the dangers of the lost coast.
Ralph begins his hike.
Sea urchin washed on shore, one of many seen.
Star fish washed on shore, one of many seen.
Giant pacific chiton washed on shore, somewhat rare sight.
Ralph and Claire enjoy playing on a large driftwood log.
Blaise poses on top of a large driftwood log.
Ralph sets out into the impassible zone.
Blaise exits the impassible zone.
Claire visits the large pool of fresh water.
Claire and Ralph enjoy kale and tempeh for dinner.
TODO: midnight audio # 2024-07-06 Saturday
My tent at dawn saturday morning.
Claire and Ralph enjoy the ocean at dawn.
Claire poses with a large piece of seaweed.
Deer with two fawns.
TODO: rattlesnake video
Blaise poses next to a steep dropoff.
The very end of the flats, nothing but sheer cliffs and beach ahead.
# 2024-07-07 Sunday # 2024-07-08 Monday # 2024-07-09 Tuesday