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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Jerusalem</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css">
+Part of the <a href="../armenian-heritage-trip.html">Armenian heritage trip memory.</a>
+Nancy and Jim travel to Tel Aviv.
+<img src="jerusalem/airplane.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Jim's plane in SanFrancisco.
+<img src="jerusalem/staff.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Turkish Airlines staff in SanFransisco.
+<h2 id=2019-09-14><a href=#2019-09-14>2019-09-14 Saturday</a></h2>
+Arrive Istanbul, fly to Telaviv.
+Arrive Telaviv, shuttle to Jerusalem.
+<img src="jerusalem/istanbul-airport.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Terminal in Istanbul.
+<img src="jerusalem/airplane-selfie.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+The travelers take a selfie on the airplane from Istanbul to Telaviv.
+<img src="jerusalem/istanbul-night.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Istanbul at night, from the airplane.
+<img src="jerusalem/jerusalem-map.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+A map of Jerusalem's old city.
+The travelers were dropped off from the shuttle at around midnight.
+Where the shuttle dropped them off in Jerusalem at midnight- Damascus gate- about 10 minutes away from the hotel.
+Use of global app and phone flashlight enabled them to walk from the Damascus Gate to the hotel in the Old City in the dark (about midnight) with their luggage.
+Nancy's main suitcase was still to come.
+The streets were dark and empty.
+<img src="jerusalem/damascus-gate.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Damascus gate.
+<img src="jerusalem/hotel-doors.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Hotel doors.
+<img src="jerusalem/hotel-interior.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Hotel interior.
+<h2 id=2019-09-15><a href=#2019-09-15>2019-09-15 Sunday</a></h2>
+<img src="jerusalem/shops.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Shop along the alleyways in Old City Jerusalem.
+<h3>Church of the Holy Sepulchre</h3>
+Church of the Holy Sepulchre - believed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and tomb and resurrection.
+Affirmed by recent research in the basement.
+Currently occupied by The main denominations sharing property over parts of the church are the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic, and to a lesser degree the Coptic Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox and Ethiopian Orthodox.
+<img src="jerusalem/sepulchre-exterior.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Holy Sepulchre exterior.
+<img src="jerusalem/sepulchre-interior.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Holy Sepulchre interior.
+<img src="jerusalem/sepulchre-dome.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Holy Sepulchre dome.
+Gouged badly, learned to see menu with prices first, Nancy was not feeling too well
+<img src="jerusalem/sunday-lunch.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Nancy enjoys Lunch.
+<h3>wailing wall</h3>
+<img src="jerusalem/wailing-stands.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Stands to hold prayer material.
+<img src="jerusalem/wailing-men.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Wailing wall men's side.
+<img src="jerusalem/wailing-special.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Special area which is covered.
+<img src="jerusalem/wailing-women.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Wailing wall women's side.
+After viewing the wailing wall, the travelers walked back to the hotel to take a nap.
+Needed to recover after long trip from USA to Israel.
+<h3>Armenian quarter & St. James' Cathedral</h3>
+<img src="jerusalem/armenian-statuary.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Statuary in the church.
+<img src="jerusalem/armenian-seminary.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Monastery/seminary in the Armenian quarter
+<img src="jerusalem/genocide-poster.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Reminder of the genocide.
+<img src="jerusalem/armenian-patriarchate.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Head of the Armenian apostolic group in Jerusalem.
+<img src="jerusalem/sunday-dinner.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="jerusalem/shops-closed.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Shops closed at the end of the day.
+<img src="jerusalem/hotel-roof-night.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Night view from Hotel rooftop.
+<h2 id=2019-09-16><a href=#2019-09-16>2019-09-16 Monday</a></h2>
+Monday morning, with help of hotel staff, Nancy's luggage was found and delivered.
+<img src="jerusalem/hotel-roof-sunrise.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Sunrise from hotel rooftop.
+<h3>Dome of the Rock</h3>
+The travelers visited the Dome of the Rock.
+Nancy had previously visited in 1969 (50 years prior).
+<img src="jerusalem/dome-1.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="jerusalem/dome-2.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="jerusalem/dome-3.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<h3>Bethsada pool</h3>
+<img src="jerusalem/bethesda-1.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="jerusalem/bethesda-2.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<h3>rampart wall</h3>
+The travelers walked the rampart wall from Jaffa gate to Zion gate.
+<img src="jerusalem/rampart-1.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="jerusalem/rampart-2.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<h3>first meeting with George</h3>
+The travelers met with George Hintlian.
+George showed them St. James' church.
+Nancy shared the family's Armenian prayer with George, who was touched.
+<img src="jerusalem/st-james-1.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<h3>David's Tower</h3>
+The travelers toured David's Tower, where there are 21 layers of history.
+The travelers returned to CHS and met with George again.
+Ability to see special place in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre along with Canadian officials guided by George.
+Recent research affirms that this place was the place where Jesus’ tomb was.
+A YouTube video on this issue may be found at
+This counters research (Talpoit tomb) which concluded that Jesus’ body and family tomb had been found about three miles away from the CHS.
+<img src="jerusalem/CHS-gate.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+The gate to the basement of the CHS.
+<img src="jerusalem/CHS-mass.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Nancy watching a private mass on the main floor of the CHS.
+<img src="jerusalem/CHS-tour.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+George leads a tour.
+<h2 id=2019-09-17><a href=#2019-09-17>2019-09-17 Tuesday</a></h2>
+<h3>rampart wall</h3>
+Tuesday morning
+Jaffa gate to Damascus gate
+<h3>St James' church</h3>
+look more carefully with George
+<h3>Israeli museum</h3>
+dead sea scrolls
+<h3>tea with George</h3>
+<h3>Armenian cemetery</h3>
+<h3>dinner with George</h3>
+<h2 id=2019-09-18><a href=#2019-09-18>2019-09-18 Wednesday</a></h2>
+Wednesday morning
+meet taxi at christ church
+drove to airport seeing divide of Palestine
diff --git a/public/armenian-heritage-trip/kayseri-develi.html b/public/armenian-heritage-trip/kayseri-develi.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Kayseri & Develi</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css">
+<h1>Kayseri & Develi</h1>
+Part of the <a href="../armenian-heritage-trip.html">Armenian heritage trip memory.</a>
+<h2 id=2019-09-25><a href=#2019-09-25>2019-09-25 Wednesday</a></h2>
+<h3>Traveling Cappadocia to Kayseri</h3>
+The travelers drove from Cappadocia to Kayseri.
+It rained hard, revealing that their rental vehicle had bad wipers.
+There wasn't much traffic, but Google routed them strangely including a trip through Kayseri's industrial district.
+<h3>first night in Kayseri</h3>
+In Kayseri the travelers stayed in Setenonu 1892 Hotel, a very fancy hotel in the center of the city.
+They had two rooms, with three beds this time.
+Nancy used the very fancy hotel bathroom for her laundry, a humorous juxtaposition.
+After settling in, the travelers had a quick dinner within walking distance.
+The waiter and restaurant owner spoke no english.
+It continued to rain very hard.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/hotel-beds.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+One of the rooms in Setenonu 1892 Hotel.
+[38.716 N, 35.485 E] <br>
+<img src="kayseri-develi/hotel-laundry.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Nancy does her laundry in the hotel bathroom.
+Note the use of suction cups to attach to the marble walls.
+[38.716 N, 35.485 E] <br>
+<h2 id=2019-09-26><a href=#2019-09-26>2019-09-26 Thursday</a></h2>
+<h3>traveling Kayseri to Develi</h3>
+The travelers enjoyed a wonderful drive over Mt Erciyes from Kayseri to Develi.
+They met their guide (Selim Akdoğan) at the entrance of town.
+<h3>Armenian vineyards</h3>
+The traveler's ancestors that lived in Develi had the surname Torosian.
+This corresponds to the <a href="">Toros mountain range</a>, which pass through Develi.
+The Torosians were, in part, vineyard owners.
+There are no longer vineyards in Develi, but the same valley described in Nancy's notes still has visible terracing from those days.
+The entire area was clearly farmed in the past.
+The guide Selim remembered the time when there were vineyards from his own childhood.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/terracing.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Valley in Develi, showing signs of terracing.
+[38.392 N, 35.502 E] <br>
+<h3>old fountain</h3>
+Nancy's notes contained references of a fountain, where spring water would emerge with great force.
+This old fountain has been converted into a swimming pool.
+There are many springs around Develi, which lead to a "ground irrigated" effect and relatively fertile soil.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/pool.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+old fountain, now a swimming pool.
+[38.387 n, 35.501 e] <br>
+<h3>ruins of St. Trovos</h3>
+The guide Selim showed the travelers where the ruins of St. Trovos were.
+This is likely where the Torosians would have attended church.
+It has now been made into a childrens playground, with only one wall of the church still standing.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/trovos.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Ruined wall of St. Trovos church.
+Left to right: unknown local man, Selim, Nancy, Jim.
+[38.387 N, 35.496 E] <br>
+<h3>municipality office</h3>
+Selim was kind enough to introduce the travelers to the municipality officials at the head office of Develi.
+These are the locally elected government officials.
+The travelers were introduced to the acting mayor, and the <a href="">acting director of culture and social affairs</a>.
+These officials were very accommodating, seeing that all needs were taken care of.
+They even vacuum packed the goat cheese (Tulum) that the travelers were still carrying from Kemeryaka.
+The culture and social affairs director (Ali Orhan), stayed with the travelers for the remainder of their visit.
+All enjoyed a discussion of Torosian property and Develi history.
+A map showing the various districts of Develi hung on the wall.
+The Torosian family lived in the Fenesse district.
+The Everek district was close by, but separated by Turkish occupied land.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/districts.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Districts of Develi. <br>
+After meeting the municpality officials, the travlers, guide Selim, and cultural affairs director Ali headed out to take a walking tour of Fenesse.
+This is the district where the Torosians lived.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/fenesse-sign.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+A sign points the way to Fenesse.
+[38.391 N, 35.492 E] <br>
+A school near the town center was serving a special "noah soup", celebrating the date when the biblical arc made ground.
+Nancy was of great interest to the local students as a professor from America.
+All gathered around to try out their ability to speak english.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/soup.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Travelers enjoy "noah soup".
+Foreground left to right, acting mayor, local government man, Ali, Selim, Jim.
+Note very large soup bowl on table.
+[38.387 N, 35.492 E] <br>
+<img src="kayseri-develi/nancy-students.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Students gather around Nancy.
+All are interested to hear and speak English.
+Students asked if Americans learn about Turkey.
+[38.387 N, 35.492 E] <br>
+Along the walking tour of Fenesse, the travelers meet a local family making grape syrup on the street.
+They share their creation, which tasted very sweet with unusual undertones.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/honey1.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="kayseri-develi/honey2.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+<img src="kayseri-develi/honey3.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Locals reduce grapes into a rich honey.
+[38.383 N, 35.491 E] <br>
+They visited many old buildings.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/fenesse-building.jpg"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Typical old building in Fenesse.
+Many of these buildings were around even when Armenians occupied this area.
+[38.383 N, 35.490 E] <br>
+There were also local people knocking down walnuts from trees.
+The freshly harvested walnuts had a strong flavor.
+<img src="kayseri-develi/walnuts.gif"
+ alt=""
+ width="100%">
+Locals use a long stick to harvest from a walnut tree. <br>
+old church now mosque
+house owned by Bedrosians
+<h3>upper Develi</h3>
+tomb of ???
+second oldest mosque
+cross mountain
+turkish millitary memorials
+<h3>saying goodbye</h3>
+turkish coffee
+returned cheese
+exchanged contact information
+<h3>back to Kayseri, dinner</h3>
+sampled types of Manti
+<h2 id=2019-09-27><a href=#2019-09-27>2019-09-27 Friday</a></h2>
+Casual day exploring Kayseri.
+<h2 id=2019-09-28><a href=#2019-09-28>2019-09-28 Saturday</a></h2>
+Nancy and Blaise back to USA.
+James to Istanbul until Monday.