% document \documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style \newcommand{\AuthorName}{Blaise J. Thompson} % header information \name{Blaise J Thompson} \address{1813 Fisher St.; Madison, WI 53713; USA} \address{1$\cdot$424$\cdot$225$\cdot$2493 \\ blaise@untzag.com \\ \href{http://blaise.zone/}{blaise.zone}} \address{\today} \begin{document} \begin{rSection}{Education} \begin{rSubsection}{University of Wisconsin-Madison}{2011 - 2018}{}{} \item Ph.D.; Analytical Chemistry %(GPA: 3.82/4.00) \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Bates College}{2007 - 2011}{}{} \item B.S.; Major: Chemistry, Minor: Philosophy %(GPA: 3.19/4.00) \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \begin{rSection}{Experience} \begin{rSubsection}{Instrumentation Lab Director}{2024 - Present} {UW-Madison Chemistry}{Madison WI} \item Teach several graduate-level courses: instrumental, electrochemistry, separations, electronics. \item Design and publish lab exercises and instrumentation. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Instrumentation Scientist}{2018 - 2024} {UW-Madison Chemistry}{Madison WI} \item Created custom scientific instrumentation for researchers and educators. \item Served as a mentor to students undertaking instrumental design projects. \item Contributed to open-source software for instrumentation control. \item Participated in writing, submitting, and reviewing scientific papers. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Graduate Research Assistant}{2011 - 2018} {John C. Wright Group - ultrafast materials spectroscopy}{Madison WI} \item Dissertation: \emph{Development of Frequency Domain Multidimensional Spectroscopy with \\ Applications in Semiconductor Photophysics} [\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7627321}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.7627321}] \item Designed and constructed software tools to collect and process multidimensional spectra. \item Designed and constructed optomechanical and electronic hardware. \item Maintained and conducted experiments on a custom ultrafast laser system. \item Contributed to general-purpose multidimensional spectra modeling software. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Undergraduate Researcher}{2009 - 2011} {Matthew J. Cote Group - microscopy and plasmonics}{Lewiston ME} \item Thesis: \emph{Investigating Plasmons with Total Internal Reflection Microscopy} [\href{https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JdEK-6CLoGlacotAfR2IGDwonyUMM7uB}{PDF}] \item Designed and constructed a combined total internal reflection / atomic force microscope. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Undergraduate Researcher}{2008} {Michael Dailey Group - neuroscience}{Iowa City IA} \item Dissected and prepared mouse brain samples for in vivo microglial imaging studies. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{High School Researcher}{2007} {Peter L. Nagy Group - epigenetics}{Iowa City IA} \item Designed created, and inserted plasmid into yeast. \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \clearpage \begin{rSection}{Publications \MakeLowercase{(see \href{http://cv.blaise.zone/\#publications}{my online CV} for more context)}} \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin = 1.75em] \vfill \item The yaq project: Standardized software enabling flexible instrumentation \\ Sunden, K. F.; Kohler, D. K.; Meyer, K. A.; Cruz Parrilla, P. L.; Wright, J. C.; \& \underline{Thompson, B. J.} (2023) \textit{Review of Scientific Instruments}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0135255}{doi:10.1063/5.0135255} \vfill \item The Wisconsin Oscillator: A Low-Cost Circuit for Powering Ion Guides, Funnels, and Traps \\ Kregel, S. J.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Nathanson, G. M.; \& Betram, T. H. \\ (2021) \textit{Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/jasms.1c00247}{doi:10.1021/jasms.1c00247} \vfill \item Versatile Open-Source Photoreactor Architecture for Photocatalysis Across the Visible Spectrum \\ Lampkin, P. P.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; \& Gellman, S. H. \\ (2021) \textit{Organic Letters}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.1c01910}{doi:10.1021/acs.orglett.1c01910} \vfill \item Multichannel gas-uptake/evolution reactor for monitoring liquid-phase chemical reactions. \\ Salazar, C.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Knapp, S.; Myers, S. \& Stahl, S. S. \\ (2021) \textit{Review of Scientific Instruments}, 92:044103. \href{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0043007}{doi:10.1063/5.0043007} \vfill \item The XyloTron: Flexible, Open-Source, Image-Based Macroscopic Field Identification of Wood Products. \\ Ravindran, P.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Soares, R. K. \& Wiedenhoeft, A. C. \\ (2020) \textit{Frontiers in Plant Science}. \href{https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.01015}{doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.01015} \vfill \item WrightTools: a Python package for multidimensional spectroscopy. \\ \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Sunden, K. F.; Morrow, D. K.; Neff-Mallon, N. A. \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2019) \textit{The Journal of Open Source Software}. \href{https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01141}{doi:10.21105/joss.01141} \vfill \item Mixed vibrational-electronic Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy \\ Reveals the Electronic Structure of Co(III)balamins Cyanocobalamin and detuerated Aquacobalamin. \\ Handali, J. D.; Neff-Mallon, N.; Sunden, K. F.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Brunold, T. C \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2018) \textit{The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07678}{doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.8b07678} \vfill \item Resonant Third-Order Susceptibility of PbSe Quantum Dots \\ Determined by Standard Dilution and Transient Grating Spectroscopy. \\ Kohler, D. D., \underline{Thompson, B. J.} \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2018) \textit{The Journal of Physical Chemistry C}. \href{http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04462}{doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04462} \vfill \clearpage \vfill \item WrightSim: Using PyCUDA to Simulate Multidimensional Spectra \\ Sunden, K. F., \underline{Thompson, B. J.} \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2018) \textit{Proceedings of the 17th Python in Science Conference}. \href{https://doi.org/10.25080/Majora-4af1f417-00c}{doi:10.25080/Majora-4af1f417-00c} \vfill \item Exploring Electronic Structure and Order in Polymers via Single-Particle Microresonator Spectroscopy. \\ Horak, E. H.; Rea, M. T.; Heylman, K. D.; Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, D.; \\ Saikin, S. K.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Kohler, D. D.; Knapper, K. A.; Wei, W.; Pan, F.; \\ Gopalan, P.; Wright, J. C.; Aspuru-Guzik, A. \& Goldsmith, Randall H. \\ (2018) \textit{Nano Letters} \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04211}{doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04211} \vfill \item Frequency-domain coherent multidimensional spectroscopy when dephasing rivals pulsewidth: \\ Disentangling material and instrument response. \\ Kohler, D. D.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.} \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2017) \textit{The Journal of Chemical Physics}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4986069}{doi:10.1063/1.4986069} \vfill \item Measurement of Ultrafast Excitonic Dynamics of Few-Layer MoS$_2$ \\ Using State-Selective Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy. \\ Czech, K. J.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Kain, S.; Ding, Q.; Shearer, M. J.; \\ Hamers, R. J.; Jin, S. \& Wright, J. C. \\ (2015) \textit{ACS Nano}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.5b05198}{doi:10.1021/acsnano.5b05198} \vfill \item Solution Growth of Single Crystal Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanostructures \\ for Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Applications. \\ Fu, Y.; Meng, F.; Rowley, M. B.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; Shearer, M. J.; Ma, D.; \\ Hamers, R. J.; Wright J. C. \& Jin, S. \\ (2015) \textit{Journal of the American Chemical Society}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b02651}{doi:10.1021/jacs.5b02651} \vfill \item Ionization of High-Density Deep Donor Defect States Explains \\ the Low Photovoltage of Iron Pyrite Single Crystals. \\ Cabán-Acevedo, M.; Kaiser, N. S.; English, C. R.; Liang, D.; \underline{Thompson, B. J.}; \\ Chen, H.-E.; Czech, K. C.; Wright, J. C.; Hamers, R. J. \& Jin, S. \\ (2014) \textit{Journal of the American Chemical Society}. \href{https://doi.org/10.1021/ja509142w}{doi:10.1021/ja509142w} \\ \vfill \end{etaremune} \end{rSection} \clearpage \begin{rSection}{Presentations} \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin = 1.75 em] \item \textit{Presentation:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} The Role of Electronics Shops In a Research Environment (2024) \\ \textit{CSHEMA Symposium on Electrical Safety.} Madison, WI USA [\href{http://cv.blaise.zone/cshema-2024-04-10.pdf}{PDF}] \item \textit{Invited Speaker:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} Scientific Software Development: A Pragmatic Approach (2020) \\ \textit{University of Colorado Boulder Department of Chemistry.} Boulder, CO USA [\href{http://cv.blaise.zone/boulder-2020-05-07.pdf}{PDF}] \item \textit{Presentation:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} Nonlinear Multidimensional Spectroscopy. (2017) \\ \textit{Chaos and Complexity Seminar.} Madison, WI USA [\href{http://cv.blaise.zone/chaos-2017-11-07.pdf}{PDF}] \item \textit{Poster:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} A Robust, Fully Automated Algorithm to Collect High Quality OPA Tuning Curves. (2016) \textit{CMDS 2016.} Groningen, the Netherlands [\href{https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hKj5MW_ms2d92Zj-Q06PTVIVBvIqfN3C}{PDF}] \item \textit{Poster:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} Utilizing Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy to Investigate Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Generation. (2012) \textit{Midwest Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference'}. Madison, WI USA \item \textit{Poster:} \underline{Thompson, B. J.} Spectroscpic Investigation of Plasmonic Nanoparticles. (2011) \textit{Bates College Mount David Summit.} Lewiston, ME USA \end{etaremune} \end{rSection} \begin{rSection}{Awards \& Honors} \begin{rSubsection}{GSFLC Mentor Award}{2022, 2023, 2024}{}{} \item Awarded by Graduate Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for outstanding mentorship \\ of young researchers. Won three times: 2022, 2023, and 2024. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Nominated: Letters \& Science Early Career Award}{2020}{}{} \item Nominated by Chemistry Department faculty, graduate students, and postdocs for outstanding \\ performance, promise of future contributions, and a high degree of professionalism. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Roger Carlson Award}{2017}{}{} \item Awarded by the University of Wisconsin Chemistry department for excellence in research. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award}{2016}{}{} \item Selected by University of Wisconsin Chemistry students and faculty as one of the most outstanding \\ Teaching Assistants of the 2015-2016 School Year. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Rodney F. Johonnot Graduate Award}{2011}{}{} \item Selected by Bates College faculty as most deserving of aid in furthering his or her studies \\ in professional or postgraduate work. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Bates College Key}{2011}{}{} \item Awarded by Bates College faculty and staff to 20 students in each graduating class based on \\ academic standing, character, campus and community service, leadership, and future promise. \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \clearpage \begin{rSection}{Teaching Experience} \begin{rSubsection}{Graduate Chemical Instrumentation: Design \& Control (Electronics)}{2017, 2019 - 2024} {7 semesters}{UW-Madison} \item Led laboratory section of course. \item Introduced graduate students to basic electronics skills such as bread-boarding, oscilloscope usage, \\ component choice and enclosure design and construction. \item Assisted students during extended independent instrument design and construction. \item Assisted in course design and improvement. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Fundamentals of Analytical Science (Quantitative Analysis)}{2018} {Teaching Assistant, 1 semester}{UW-Madison} \item Led laboratory and discussion sections for honors section. \item Prepared worksheets and homework keys. \item Contributed to staff notes for future teaching assistants. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Graduate Instrumental Analysis}{2012, 2015}{Teaching Assistant, 2 semesters}{UW-Madison} \item Led laboratory section of course. \item Prepared homework assignments and led homework review sessions. \item Lectured in professor's absence. \item Switched course from mathcad to Python using Jupyter Notebooks, introducing \\ first-year graduate students to script-based programming. \item Received James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Undergraduate Research Mentor}{2012 - 2013, 2015 - 2017} {6 semesters}{UW-Madison} \item Designed appropriate experiments that were complementary to my own research. \item Introduced undergraduates to spectroscopy, programming, and instrument design. \item Advised students in coursework and future directions. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{General Chemistry II}{2011, 2012}{Teaching Assistant, 2 semesters}{UW-Madison} \item Coordinated two sections---total of $\sim50$ students in each semester. \item Led labs. \item Designed and led discussion sections. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{General Chemistry I}{2010, 2011}{Peer Science Leader, 2 semesters} {Bates College} \item Designed and led class-wide review sessions for General Chemistry. \item Assisted in first trials of new peer leadership program at Bates College. \item Attended regular meetings to share teaching strategies with other peer leaders. \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \pagebreak \begin{rSection}{Service Activites \& Community Involvement} \begin{rSubsection}{Chemical Coders}{2023 - 2024} {Organizer}{Madison WI} \item Worked with three graduate students to start new departmental group focused on software development. \item Interfaced department with campus data science hub. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Science Olympiad}{2019 - 2021} {Coach}{Madison WI} \item Lead ``mechatronics'' section of region-wide science and engineering competition for \\ middle- and high-school students (2019). \item Coached ``detector building'' team of high-school students (2020). \item Designed and administered exam testing micro-controller programming and basic circuit \\ design and construction. \item Created and curated real electronic hardware for use during test. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Science Bowl}{2017, 2019} {Scientific Judge \& Moderator}{Madison WI} \item Judged middle school students in statewide science-knowledge competition. \item Winning team proceeded to national competition. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Plasma Group Python Introduction}{2017}{Assistant}{UW-Madison} \item Helped introduce a group of faculty and graduate Students in Physics to Python. \item Created lesson sections and chose topics. \item Group was switching to Python from IDL. \item Introduction consisted of weekly meetings across several months. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Pre-college Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence (PEOPLE)} {2017}{Volunteer}{Madison WI} \item Taught disadvantaged high school students about electronics, science and what it is like to be \\ an analytical chemist. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{McElvain Committee}{2013 - 2014}{Member}{UW-Madison} \item Graduate student committee to choose seminar speakers. \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Freewill Folk Society}{2008 - 2011}{President}{Bates College} \item Contradance club, offering alcohol-free community-engaging social activity to the college. \item Reorganized club structure, recruited other students to new club positions. \item Organized monthly folk dances, bringing in bands and callers. \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \end{document}