title: pcb-printing date: 2021-05-16 tags: electronics roundup This post is a roundup of companies that produce printed circuit boards. | company | notes | | ------- | ----- | | [AAPCB](https://aapcb.com/) | Small-scale assembly, quick turn. | | [Advanced Assembly](https://www.advancedassembly.com/) | Assembly. | | [Aisler](https://aisler.net/) | Germany. Similar to JLCPCB. | | [Bay Area Circuits](https://bayareacircuits.com/) | California. Full capability shop. | | [Cyber City](https://cybercitycircuits.com/) | Small-scale assembly. | | [Circuit Hub](https://circuithub.com/) | Assembly. Instant quote. | | [DigiKey](https://www.digikey.com/en/resources/dkred) | Board printing. | | [elecrow](https://www.elecrow.com/pcb-manufacturing.html) | Board printing. | | [Fusion](https://www.seeedstudio.com/fusion_pcb.html) | Board pringing, associated with seeed. | | [JLCPCB](https://jlcpcb.com/) | Probably the most popular small-scale PCB manufacturer. | | [OSH Park](https://oshpark.com/) | Fast service at reasonable price. Batch orderer. | | [PCBWay](https://www.pcbway.com/) | Very popular cheap manufacturer. Easy customization. | [Royal Circuits](https://www.royalcircuits.com/) | "World's Fastest PCB Manufacturing." | | [Sierra Circuits](https://www.protoexpress.com/) | California. Full capability shop. | | [Smart Prototyping](https://www.smart-prototyping.com/) | Full capability shop. | | [Sparkfun](https://alc.sparkfun.com/) | Contract manufacturing via SparkFun. | | [Worthington](https://www.worthingtonassembly.com/) | Massachusetts. Small-scale assembly. | I tend to use PCBWay for most "everyday" orders and OSH Park for rush orders.
I have never contracted a manufacturer to do assembly. Hope to try in future.