path: root/digital-driver/firmware/Test Sketchs/Master_Random_LED_I2C
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-rw-r--r--digital-driver/firmware/Test Sketchs/Master_Random_LED_I2C/Master_Random_LED_I2C.ino134
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/digital-driver/firmware/Test Sketchs/Master_Random_LED_I2C/Master_Random_LED_I2C.ino b/digital-driver/firmware/Test Sketchs/Master_Random_LED_I2C/Master_Random_LED_I2C.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5f249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/digital-driver/firmware/Test Sketchs/Master_Random_LED_I2C/Master_Random_LED_I2C.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// I2C test program for Digital Photoreactor Controller using TinyWireS library //
+// Run this Master program on an Arduino Uno. //
+// This test program is adapted from the TinyWireS stress test program //
+// developed by Scott Hartog: https://github.com/rambo/TinyWire //
+// //
+// The master program picks a random number of bytes between 1 and 12. //
+// It then sends that many bytes of randomd data to the AtTiny85 slave. //
+// Then, the master reads that same number of bytes back from the slave. //
+// The recieved data is then compared to the original transmitted data. //
+// The results of this comparison are displayed in the serial monitor. //
+// The process is then looped. //
+// //
+// Arduino Uno R3 (D18/SDA) = I2C SDA //
+// connect to SDA on slave with external pull-up (~4.7K) //
+// Arduino Uno R3 (D19/SCL) = I2C SCL //
+// connect to SCL on slave with external pull-up (~4.7K) //
+// Arduino Uno R3 (D2) //
+// connect to !RST on slave //
+// Can alternatively connect !RST on slave to the Ardiuno "!RESET" pin //
+// //
+#include <Wire.h>
+#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR 0x26 // i2c slave address (38, 0x26)
+uint16_t count = 0; // total number of passes so far
+uint16_t error_count = 0; // total errors encountered so far
+char c_buf[64]; // for creating messages
+void setup()
+ // init the serial port
+ Serial.begin(9600);
+ // init the Wire object (for I2C)
+ Wire.begin();
+ // wait for slave to finish any init sequence
+ delay(2000);
+void loop()
+ uint8_t i;
+ uint8_t req_rtn; // num bytes returned by requestFrom() call
+ uint8_t rand_byte_count;
+ uint8_t out_rand[16]; // data written from master
+ uint8_t in_rand[16]; // data read back from slave
+ bool mismatch;
+ // count total number of request
+ count++;
+ // compute random number of bytes for this pass
+ rand_byte_count = random(16) + 1;
+ // force the first three requests to be small so that the tx buffer doesn't overflow
+ // instantly and the user can see at least one successful transaction and some
+ // mismtaches before the usiTwiSlave.c library hangs on the line "while ( !txCount );".
+ if (count <= 3) rand_byte_count = 2;
+ // generate, save, and send N random byte values
+ Wire.beginTransmission(I2C_SLAVE_ADDR);
+ for (i = 0; i < rand_byte_count; i++)
+ Wire.write(out_rand[i] = random(256));
+ Wire.endTransmission();
+ // delay 20 milliseconds to accomodate slave onReceive() callback
+ // function. The actual time that slave takes is application dependent, but
+ // just storing the master's transmitted data does not take
+ // anywhere near 20ms.
+ delay(20);
+ // read N bytes from slave
+ req_rtn = Wire.requestFrom(I2C_SLAVE_ADDR, (int)rand_byte_count); // Request N bytes from slave
+ for (i = 0; i < req_rtn; i++)
+ in_rand[i] = Wire.read();
+ // compare in/out data values
+ mismatch = false;
+ for (i = 0; i < rand_byte_count; i++)
+ mismatch = mismatch || (out_rand[i] != in_rand[i]);
+ // increment the error counter if the number of byte variables don't match or
+ // if the data itself doesn't match
+ if (mismatch || (rand_byte_count != req_rtn))
+ {
+ error_count++;
+ }
+ // The rest of the program just displays the results to the serial port
+ // display total requests so far and error count so far
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "req: %3d,err: %3d", count, error_count);
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ // display the random byte count, the number of bytes read back, and "MATCH"/"MISMATCH"
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "size: %2d/%2d,%s", rand_byte_count, req_rtn, rand_byte_count != req_rtn?"MISMATCH <<--- !!!":"MATCH");
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ // display whether the data compare matched or mismatched
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "data: %s", mismatch?"MISMATCH <<--- !!!":"MATCH");
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ // send up to three tx/rx bytes so that random data can be
+ // visually verified
+ if (rand_byte_count >= 1)
+ {
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "rand[0]: %02x/%02x", out_rand[0], in_rand[0]);
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ }
+ if (rand_byte_count >= 2)
+ {
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "rand[1]: %02x/%02x", out_rand[1], in_rand[1]);
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ }
+ if (rand_byte_count >= 3)
+ {
+ snprintf(c_buf, sizeof(c_buf), "rand[2]: %02x/%02x", out_rand[2], in_rand[2]);
+ Serial.println(c_buf);
+ }
+ // delay 1 second so user can watch results
+ delay(1000);