from influxdb import InfluxDBClient import os import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import time import pathlib import datetime from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Dict class Topic(dict): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self["__value__"] = None def __getitem__(self, key): try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: out = Topic() self[key] = out return out homie = Topic() def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) client.subscribe("homie/#") def on_message(client, userdata, msg): topics = msg.topic.split("/") payload = msg.payload.decode() # fill topic tree here = homie for t in topics[1:]: here = here[t] here["__value__"] = payload # tags tags = {} tags["device_id"] = topics[1] # case of device attribute device_attributes = [ "$homie", "$name", "$state", "$nodes", "$extensions", "$implementation", ] if len(topics) == 3 and topics[2] in device_attributes: measurement = topics[2] fields = {"value": payload} write_point(measurement, tags, fields) # case of device node property elif len(topics) == 4: measurement = topics[3] tags["node"] = topics[2] datatype = homie[topics[1]][topics[2]][topics[3]]["$datatype"]["__value__"] if datatype == "float": fields = {"value": float(payload)} else: return write_point(measurement, tags, fields) influx_client = InfluxDBClient(host="db", port=8086, username="root", password="root", database="homie") influx_client.create_database("homie") try: influx_client.create_retention_policy( name="two-years", database="homie", duration="18000h", default=True, replication=1, ) except: pass def write_point(measurement, tags, fields): json = {} json["measurement"] = measurement json["tags"] = tags json["fields"] = fields try: influx_client.write_points([json]) except Exception as e: print(e) print(json) client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect("broker", 1883, 60) # Blocking call that processes network traffic, dispatches callbacks and # handles reconnecting. # Other loop*() functions are available that give a threaded interface and a # manual interface. client.loop_forever()